Using GPS log files

A GPS device can generate a log file containing a record of the positions it registers.

This allows you to construct graphics from GPS data points, display GPS locations in Cadcorp SIS Desktop 9.1 map windows as if you were connected to a real GPS device.

You can use a GPS log file in Cadcorp SIS Desktop 9.1 even if no GPS device is connected to your computer. For e.g., you can ‘record’ data logged during a GPS expedition in the field and ‘replay’ the expedition on your computer when you return to the office.

To replay a GPS log file:

  1. Select Replay (Location > GPS Log)
  2. Browse for the log file.

You can choose to replay the log file in real time so the data points are output at the same speed as the GPS device that originally recorded them.

Alternatively you can replay the log file slower or faster. (This is useful if the original GPS log was created by someone walking).

You can increase or decrease the replay speed by changing the Replay rate (milliseconds) value. Valid values are between 50 and 5000 milliseconds. To replay the log faster, choose a smaller value.

Control the replay with the Stop, Pause and Replay controls.