OGC CityGML Document

Click Add Overlay > OGC > OGC GMLContext Document.

This will open the following Source URL dialog:

CityGML is an application schema for the Geography Markup Language 3 (GML3). It defines ways to describe most of the common 3D features found in cities (eg buildings, bridges, etc) and the relationships between them. Related Topics Link IconRelated Topics

You can open a CityGML from your local machine or any URL.

1. Open from a file on the local machine or local area network

  • Select this option to choose a file on the local disk or local area network.
  • Click Next.
  • Select the relevant *.gml or *.gz or *.xml file.
  • Click Finish.

2. Open from URL

  • Select this option to choose a URL to a file.
  • Enter the URL or select from the list of recently used URLs if present.
  • Click Finish on the Source URL dialog.
Option Description
Configure Configure how the selected URL is handled. The configuration data is stored in the SWD.(See more information below)
Local cache

Should Cadcorp SIS Desktop 9.1 download the data from the URL to local temporary storage?

If the resulting Overlay is saved in an SWD, then Cadcorp SIS Desktop 9.1 will re-query the data and re-cache the result each time the SWD is opened.

One-off import Should SIS Desktop 9.1 make a one-off copy of the data that is completely disconnected from the URL?

Click Configure.

The Configure OGC GML Dataset dialog will be displayed:

Option Description
Validate GML document Validates the XML returned.
GML schema preload configuration Select the required version of schema to preload. You can also browse and select custom GML schema.
Axes order configuration

Select between the following options when the GML version or the CRS axes cannot be detected.

  • Detect automatically whether axes need to be swapped

  • Do not swap axes

  • Do swap axes

Click OK to return to the Source URL dialog.