Opens a TilelSON document from a file on disk or via an HTTP URL.

Select Home > Add Overlay > Web > TileJSON.

Click Next to open the Source URL window:



Open from a file on the local machine or local area network

Select this option to choose a file on the local disk or local area network. Click Next.

Use the file browser to select a file of type *.json or *.geojson and click Finish .

Open from URL

Select this option to choose a URL to a file, e.g. on the Internet.

Enter the URL or select from the list of recently used URLs and click Fin

Connection Type

Local cache - select this option if Cadcorp SIS Desktop 9.1 is to download the data to local temporary storage. If the resulting Overlay is saved in an SWD, Cadcorp SIS Desktop 9.1 will re-query the data and re-cache the result every time the SWD is opened.

One-off import - select this option if Cadcorp SIS Desktop 9.1 is to make a one-off copy of the data, that is completely disconnected from the data source.

Click Finish.