Options- Advanced
Click File on the Ribbon and select Options > Advanced. to define more system settings.
We strongly recommend exercising caution when working with these Advanced Options.
Use these options to change a wide range of default system properties (including file paths, database connection settings and dialog positions and sizes.) Each property is assigned a value which can be altered manually.
![Advanced Option Editing](images/90Advanced Option Editing_thumb_150_0.png)
Each property is stored in the UI settings database after being used for the first time.
For example the AGpsWizardPageConfig properties will be stored into the UI settings database once the GPS log has been used and Cadcorp SIS Desktop 9.1 will remember the setting used.
These settings can be altered in the Advanced Option Editing dialog. Any values which are altered and left blank Cadcorp SIS Desktop 9.1 will assign the default value for that property.
Note: It is possible to view the UI settings database with a SQLite Database Browser but Cadcorp recommend the database is accessed using the Advanced Option Editing function as described above.
The UI settings database is split into three parts:
- Options.db - stored in the SIS-specific part of the AppData\Roaming folder and containing SIS options.
- Ribbon.db - stored in the SIS-specific part of the AppData\Roaming folder and containing any ribbon or quick access toolbar customisation.
The default location of Options.db and Ribbon.db is:
C:\Users\user_name\AppData\Roaming\Cadcorp SIS\9.0\Desktop
- UI.db - stored in the SIS-specific part of the AppData\Local folder, and containing saved window positions, dialog and wizard settings, recently used expressions, etc.
The default location of Ribbon.db is:
C:\Users\user_name\AppData\Local\Cadcorp SIS\9.0\Desktop
If required the UI settings database can be relocated; in this case enter the new location in the shortcut Target line and restart Cadcorp SIS Desktop 9.1.
For example to locate the UI settings database in the C:\ root folder enter the following in the Target line:
"C:\Program Files\Cadcorp SIS 9\Cadcorp.SIS.Loader.exe" Cadcorp.SIS.exe —Product:MapModeller --Options:"C:\Options.db"