Publish to File - XPS

Microsoft XPS (XML Paper Specification) documents are designed to look the same on screen as they do in print. As the name suggests, they are XML-based files.

Once created the files can be viewed through XPS Viewer, which is installed by default on Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8.

To publish the current map window as an XPS file, select File > Publish > Publish to File.

Select Microsoft XPS document in the next dialog.

The General tab provides general page size, rotation of the map view and page orientation options.

Option Description


Use the drop-down to select from standard page sizes.


Allows the page size units to be selected. The drop-down box allows selection from points, mm, cm and inch.


Shows the width and height of the page. For a custom page size manually enter the width and height.


Select the page orientation to match the template.

Map View Width/Height

Shows the width and height of the view.


The scale of the exported map.


Squeeze or stretch the view to fit onto the page. This is useful for exporting the current view quickly, but the map will not be exported to a known scale. The Map View values will change as a result of using Fit.


Resets the view to the original settings (before pressing Fit).

The Description tab allows you to supply additional information to be stored in the .XPS file.

Option Description


Specifies the title of the Encapsulated PostScript document.


Specifies the subject of the Encapsulated PostScript document.


Specifies the author of the Encapsulated PostScript document (this will default to the current logged on user)


Specifies any keywords in the Encapsulated PostScript document.


Specifies a description of the information in the Encapsulated PostScript document.

Note: The above information is held within the Details tab of the XPS Viewer Properties dialog.

The Options tab lets you export hyperlinks, layers and text.

Option Description

Export Hyperlinks for items with populated URI attributes

Check this option if any hyperlinks applied in Cadcorp SIS (_URI$ attribute) are to be exported and will work within XPS Viewer.

Export SIS schema layer and item attributes

Attribute data contained within the schema layer will be exported as an XML Object in the XPS package.

Text as polygon

Text items in SIS will be converted into polygons and therefore cannot be highlighted when viewed within XPS Viewer.  

Outlined text as polygon

Text items in SIS with an outline applied (_text_outline& = true) will be converted into polygons and therefore cannot be highlighted when viewed within XPS Viewer.

Gradient tab

Option Description

Subdivide (best)

Recursively sub-divided triangles, until the colour in all three points of a triangle equal or reach the minimum colour tolerance and visually appear to be the same.

Linear (approximate)

Apply linear gradient from the colour of one point to the colour of the opposite side in a triangle.

The Output tab lets you:

  • Select the number of job copies
  • Set the output Resolution
  • Choose between Colour and Monochrome output
  • Define the reference device used for the output
  • Set minimum line thicknesses


The Security tab lets you manage access rights to the XPS file:

Option Description

Sign the package

Digital signatures are used to verify if the publisher of a document or file is legitimate.

Signing the package is the process of applying a digital signature (or electronic security mark) to the XPS file.

Checking the Sign the package tickbox will load a Windows Security dialog after setting all the XPS properties and clicking OK. Use these options to view/change the digital signature details or install an available certificate.  


Check this tickbox to enable encrypted rights.

Rights file

Click the ... button to navigate to an XrML Rights markup file.

Pre-production: Creates a pre-production public/private key pair.

Production: Creates a public/private key once published.