Project Folder

A Project Folder is any Windows folder containing SIS Workspace Definition (SWD)s and their associated NOL(s).

When you open a project (File > Project) all the SWDs and NOLs in the project folder will be loaded into Cadcorp SIS Desktop 9.1.

A Project Folder can also be opened by

  • Dragging and dropping it onto Cadcorp SIS Desktop 9.1 (OR)
  • During launch of Cadcorp SIS Desktop 9.1 by adding arguments to the command line.Related Topics Link IconRelated Topics

Creating a Project Folder

Create a folder in a suitable location and place all the required SWDs and their NOL(s) in this folder or its sub-folders.

The SWDs and NOLs don’t have to be physically present in the project folder; shortcuts to the SWDs can also be used.

Creating a Project Folder during a session or at the end of a session

If you do not have a project folder yet:

  • Select Close Project (File > Project) and
  • Select Save, without further prompting in the Close Project dialog to save the SWD to a suitable project folder.

If a NOL is to be associated with this SWD the NOL or a shortcut can be copied to this folder.