From Polygon

From Polygon creates topological items from a Link and Node item structure using a temporary "spaghetti Polygon".

All Polygons in the Link and Node item network which the temporary "spaghetti Polygon" fence overlaps are converted into TopoPolygons.

SIS Desktop 9.1 always creates the smallest TopoPolygons possible.

  1. Select From Polygon.
  2. Construct a "spaghetti Polygon" fence by adding points just as you would when creating a polygon item.
  3. Click a position on screen; this will be one corner of the "spaghetti Polygon".
  4. Keep adding positions to define the other corners (there can be as many as you wish)
  5. Use the Backspace key to remove the last point input if required - you will see the boundary of the "spaghetti Polygon" rubber banding as you move the cursor.
  6. Press Enter to finish.

The "spaghetti Polygon" fence disappears when the operation is complete.