What is WebMap?

WebMap is a powerful yet intuitive off-the-shelf mapping application. It is an interactive website used for viewing and interrogation.

WebMap helps organisations to share map-based information to users on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices. You can do this using the dedicated Manager tools. WebMap Manager allows you to:

  • Add, view and edit Maps and their properties

  • Add, view and edit layers within a map

  • Edit Templates for Local Knowledge

  • Add, view and edit Feature Info Templates and their properties

  • Generate Default Templates for layers in the SWD

With WebMap, you can do much more than simply view static information on a browser. You can also work with and interrogate spatial data that has been created on our flagship GIS product, Cadcorp SIS Desktop.

Cadcorp SIS WebMap 9.1 provides an easy-to-use Google Maps style interface that can be quickly and easily deployed.