Create an Overlay Property

WebMap uses SWD overlay Properties in different scenarios (for instance: using the overlay in certain services or defining specific parameters for a Local Knowledge query).

Remember to set these Properties in Cadcorp SIS Desktop so they can be accessed inside WebMap.

To do this:

  1. Open the SWD file inside SIS Desktop.
  2. Right click on the overlay in the tree view and select Properties:
  3. Select Properties again and click Add to add a new property:

Property Description Value
WML::Ignore& Hides overlay so it is not visible in Map Features of a user map. This property is used when printing to PDF.
See Setting up the SWD to enable PDF printing.
1 = True
WML::IgnoreHittable& Hides overlay so it does not appear in Map Features of a user map. However user can still see data in the map window and features can be interrogated for their attributes. 1 = True
WML::Knowledge_Type$ Defines the type of Local Knowledge query the overlay will be used in. area, statistic, nearestN,distance
WML::Knowledge_AdditionalInfo$ Runs an if query on the result of a Local Knowledge Statistic query. A valid Iif statement
WML::Knowledge_SearchDistance# Used in a Local Knowledge distance query to define a search radius. Search distance in current units
WML::Knowledge_Expression$ Used in a Local Knowledge Statistic query to define the overlay column on which the expression will be executed. e.g. Incident_Count#
WML::Knowledge_Operation$ Sets the mathematical operation to be carried out for a Local Knowledge Statistic query.

OP_Skewness - Reduces any positive or negative skewing of the results.

OP_Variance - The average of the squared differences from the Mean value.

.OP_Stddev - (Standard Deviation) a measure of the spread of the results.

OP_Max - The maximum result value

OP_Mode - The number which appears most often in the results.

OP_Median - The middle number in the list of results.

OP_Mean - The average of the results.

OP_Min - The minimum result value.

OP_Sum - The sum of the results.

OP_Count - The number of results.


Used in a Local Knowledge Statistic query to define the spatial relationship between the data and the search area for the resultant statistic.

Available Values

ST_Contains - Does the data intersect with the search area?
ST_Crosses - Does data cross the search area?
ST_Disjoint - Is the data disjointed from the search area?
ST_Equals - Is the data equal to the search area?
ST_Intersect - Does the data intersect the search area?
ST_Overlap - Does the data overlap the search area?
ST_Touches - Does the data touch the search area?
ST_Within - Is the data within the search area?


Used to filter the results of a Local Knowledge Query.

Filter expression.


Used to set the copyright value on GeognoSIS SWD layers only.

Free text.


Used in a Local knowledge NearestN query to define the number of items you want to return. Number of items to be returned (integer).


Allow query results table to be downloaded to a csv file. This works in conjunction with the property below.

WML::QueryEnabled@ can be set to true (overlay will be created) and WML::AllowTableExport& = 0 (overlay is created but no attribute results are returned).
0 = Table view disallowed
1 = Table view allowed
2 = Table view and export to csv allowed
WML::AllowVectorExport@ Allow layers to be exported to GeoJSON. The Drawing Layer is automatically enabled for vector export. 1 = True
WML::UseVector@ Boolean type. Set to True to use WML::VectorStyle$ property 1 = True
WML::VectorStyle$ The value is a JSON object with the style to be applied for the highlight Example used in Sample SWD, on Ancient Woodland Overlay: {"fill":{"colour":{"r":0,"g":128,"b":0,"a":0.6}},"stroke":{"colour":{"r":0,"g":0,"b":0,"a":1},"width":2}}
WML::GeometryOptions$ JSON string which defines settings for the editable layer. The geometry type for the overlay should be set to polygon using "geometryType": "Polygon"
NOTE – Use a capital P when defining Polygon.
For Example: {"icon": "mdi-shape-polygon-plus","geometryType": "Polygon","textKey": "Polygon","displayColumn": "AString"}
WML::AllowWebEditing@ Determines if a layer is editable. Boolean Type and must be set to True. 1 = True
WML::QueryEnabled@ Determines if a layer can be queried. Boolean Type set to True. 1 = True
WML::MaxStatus& Sets the overlay status for WebMap. If this property is undefined, a default value of 2 (hittable) is assumed.
Ensure the status of the overlay matches the property in the SWD and the value is at least 1.
0 = Invisible
1 = Visible
2 = Hittable
3 = Editable

Updated Properties in WebMap v9.1

There are minor changes to a few properties in WebMap v9.1. The layer property name or value (or both) may be different to v9 usage but the nature of the property remains unchanged.

WML::AllowEdit& is now WML::AllowWebEditing@

WML::SearchEnabled& is now WML::QueryEnabled@

WML::DownloadEnabled& is now WML::AllowTableExport&

WML::VisibleOnly& is now WML::MaxStatus&