Manage CRS

CRS stands for Coordinate Reference Systems. WebMap uses CRS to specify display projections for individual layers. It does this by utilizing unique SRIDs (spatial reference identifiers) from EPSG. The SRID is typically a numerical code that specifies all related display projections, bounding coordinates etc.

Add a new Coordinate Reference System

To add a Coordinate Reference System, first obtain the EPSG code of the area from

This will also give you the bounding points (minimum and maximum X and Y coordinates).

Note: EPSG is a globally recognised dataset of coordinate references. Cadcorp SIS WebMap 9.1 comes pre-loaded with these popular EPSG codes.

Here are some commonly used EPSG codes.

27700 British National Grid
4326 World
3857 World (used in rendering map tiles for Bing and Google Maps)
3095 Japan
25832 Europe
31466 Germany (Gauss-Krüger zone 2)


Germany (Gauss-Krüger zone 3)
7856 Australia GDA2020

Select CRS from the quick-access menu.

Click New Item to add a new code.

  1. Enter the code and name for the CRS.
  2. Include the Min X/Y and Max X/Y coordinates. These extents are the projected bounds as specified in (some experimentation may be required if the data does not align).
  3. Enter the definition for the new CRS. (This definition is available to copy from the PROJ.4 section of the relevant EPSG page).
  4. Click Save.

Manage a Coordinate Reference System

Click Editto change details for the Coordinate Reference System.

Click Remove to delete a Coordinate Reference System.

Use Search to look for a defined Coordinate Reference System.

You can only delete reference systems you have added. Pre-loaded CRS cannot be deleted.