Site Settings
Site Settings allows you to view and configure site-wide options. Click the action button and select Site Settings.
Accent | Colour used as an ‘accessory’. These are usually bright shades to engage attention (can be used for links, highlights etc) |
Error | Colour used for error messages |
Primary | Colour used most frequently across a website's screens and components (e.g. toolbars and buttons) |
Secondary | Colour used with the primary shade to provide contrast. |
Use Dark Text | Enable to use dark text if the colour theme is lighter. |
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) uses additional HTTP headers for specific sharing purposes. Enable or disable accordingly.
Allow All CORS | Enable to give access to resource sharing |
Don't Allow CORS | Enable to deny access to resource sharing |
Allow Custom CORS | Enable to allow custom headers or domains or a combination of both. |
Domains | Specifies the domains allowed during the actual request. These are separated by commas. For e.g., http://domain1.example, http://domain2.example |
Headers | Specifies the HTTP headers allowed during the actual request. Click here for the header syntax. |
Methods | Specifies the method(s) allowed when accessing the resource (GET, POST etc). Click here for syntax |
Note: For more on CORS, see our GeognoSIS help
Select the mail type to be used.
SMTP | Specify the Host, Port and Secure Socket Options |
GraphAPI | Uses Microsoft Graph API. Changes are made to Azure to enable WebMap 9.1 to send mail. Graph API requires Client (Application) and Tenant IDs, Client Secret and an account whose mailbox will be used. |
Custom headers can be added to enable using WebMap from a client in a different domain- this is mainly used for heightened security.
See here for examples of custom headers.
Rate Limiter
On Public Maps, user traffic and requests can trigger a web page crash. On rare occasions, heavy usage may even originate from malicious sources resulting in a Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack. This can shut down a machine or network, making it inaccessible to users.
To regulate traffic and prevent attacks, enable Rate Limiter options.
Maximum request rate per time window | The maximum number of successful requests allowed within the specified period or time window. |
Maximum queue rate per time window | The maximum number of queued requests allowed within the specified period or time window. |
Time Window | Specific time frame (in seconds) within which a maximum number of requests can be made. |
Use this master stylesheet to define other custom styles used throughout WebMap. For e.g., to add or remove a style in Local Knowledge or Feature Information (or any option that uses templates) edit this Manager stylesheet.