
Log files give important insights into the working of WebMap and are invaluable in diagnosing issues or concerns. Use the Logging options to customise the level of run-time information you require from WebMap

  1. Select Logging from the action button.

Configure Logs

Select Configuration to customise all logging operations.



Log to file

Enable to turn on logging functions

Log Location

All logs are stored by default in the Log folder of WebMap installation files: "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\siswebmap9.1\Log". Type in a new location if you prefer a different folder.

Default Log Level

Use the drop-down to customise the level of in-depth information required for the log. See here for more information on logging levels.

Search for override

Logging override is a way to set log levels for individual namespaces. Usually the default level is set to Information. If however you need more logging information for say, Entity Framework but at the same time not clog up the log file with other information, you can just set an override for the EntityFramework to debug level.

New Item

Use this option to create a new Namespace and set the override.

Manage Logs

Select Manage Logs to monitor, remove or download a copy of any log file.

  1. Select Delete to delete a log. To delete all logs, enable the tick box at the top of the page to select all.
  2. Select Download to download an individual log file as a txt file.
  3. Select View to view the log file inside your browser.


Restarts the IIS Application Pools after you have made changes to the log configurations.