Map Settings

  1. Click Settings.
  2. Select Map Settings tab.
  3. Enter the relevant settings and click Confirm.


Map Name Enter a name for your map.
Description Enter descriptive text to share more information about the contents of the map.
Map Title .
Display Projection This is the projection the map is ‘perceived’ to be in (the actual map projection could be 3857 to allow Google base mapping but the display projection could be 27700)
This is useful to access returned coordinates in British National Grid.
Watermarks Use the drop-down menu to select a watermark. Related Topics Link IconRelated Topics
Copyright Statement Add copyright statement if needed.
Centre X Coordinate on which the map will be centred on its X axis.
Centre Y Coordinate on which the map will be centred on its Y axis.
Initial Resolution Initial resolution used when map is first opened.
Allow Anonymous Access Allows map access to users when no authentication method has been set.

If using Forms or Windows authentication, DO NOT choose this option.

Allow Map as Embedded Enable to allow a specific map to be used as an Embedded map. Related Topics Link IconRelated Topics
Allow human-interactive dialog check Enable this interactive dialog to prevent malicious DOS attacks. This idalog will insist on user interaction on the map thus preventing automated attempts to overwhelm the server. Related Topics Link IconRelated Topics
Extent Min X and Min Y Minimum and maximum bounding extent on X axis for layer rendering.
Extent Min Y and Max Y Minimum and maximum bounding extent on Y axis for layer rendering.
Select Map Image Click to choose a thumbnail image for the map; this thumbnail is displayed on the Manager home page.