Add Layers

Select Add Layers from the drop down menu to add layers to the current map.

Layer Type Description

Bing Maps

Allows Bing Maps to be added and used for base mapping, including; Aerial, AerialWithLabels and Road.

GeognoSIS Tile Service

This adds a Cadcorp tile cache to the map.

Google Maps

Allows Google Maps to be used as base mapping. Supported maps include; Terrain, Roadmap, Hybrid and Satellite.


Adds all the layers from an SWD stored on the same machine as GeognoSIS, through Microsoft HTTP API.

Open Street Map

Allows open source OSM data to be added as base mapping (includes OSM Standard Style, OpenCycleMap, OpenCycleMap Transport, MapQuest and MapQuest Open Aerial).

Regular Tile Cache

Also known as a XYZ Tile Cache or Google Disk.

Tile Cache

Also known as Disk Tile Cache.


Adds data served as an OGC Web Map Feature Service. WFS returns data as actual features with geometry and attributes.

WMS from Capabilities

Adds all layers from an OGC Web Map Service. The multiple layers can be added as individual overlays, or as a single overlay. WMS simply returns an image of the data.


Layers from an OGC Web Map Service can be added to the WebMap site as one overlay. WMS simply returns an image of the data.


Adds an OGC Web Map Tile service, which is a standard protocol for serving pre-rendered geo-referenced map tiles over the internet.

OS Data Hub

Adds an OS DataHub WMTS directly to WebMap Admin.


Note: The maximum number of layers that Cadcorp SIS WebMap can handle is limited to 200.