3D Methods

The following methods offer control over the 3D functionality provided within SIS.

CreateAspectGrid   Creates an 'aspect' Grid from the currently open TIN as angles measured from North.
CreateExtrusion   Creates a Surface item by extruding the current open Polygon or LineString item.
CreateGradientGrid   Creates a 'slope' Grid from the currently open TIN as gradients between 0 and 100%
CreateGridFromQZone   Creates a Grid item from the current open QZone item.
CreateHotSpotGrid Creates a Hot Spot Grid item from the origins of the items in a named list.
CreateQZoneFromGrid   Creates a QZone item from the cells in the current open Grid item that are between two values.
CreateScatterGrid   Creates a Grid item from the hook points of the items in a named list.
CreateSlopeGrid   Creates a 'slope' Grid from the currently open TIN as angles between 0 and 90 degrees.
CreateSurface   Creates a Surface item from the current open Polygon item.
CreateTin   Creates a TIN from the hook points of the items in a named list.
CreateTinEx Creates a TIN from the hook points of the items in a named list, using advanced creation properties.
CreateViewshed   Calculates a 'viewshed' over Grid Items.
Get3DEye   Gets the position of the Eye in a 3D window.
Get3DLook   Gets the position looked towards in a 3D window.
Set3DView  Sets the eye and look position in a 3D view.
SetGridItemValue   Sets the value in a cell of the current open Grid item.

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