Cadcorp SIS API Methods

CreateScatterGrid Method


Creates a Grid item from the origins of the Items in a Named List. If a Group is open, then graphics are added to the Group, otherwise a new Item is created.


Visual Basic
Public Function CreateScatterGrid( _
   ByVal list As String, _
   ByVal formula As String, _
   ByVal mode As Integer, _
   ByVal ox As Double, _
   ByVal oy As Double, _
   ByVal oz As Double, _
   ByVal cx As Double, _
   ByVal cy As Double _
) As Integer


A Named List which contains the Items from which to make a scatter Grid. The origin of each Item is used to seed a value in the Grid item. The Items will typically be Point Items, but any Item class may be used. The Items are not edited by this operation, and therefore can be from a read-only dataset.

An expression which is evaluated for each item in the Named List. This parameter is ignored for the SIS_SCATTER_GRID_COUNT mode. See Property Expression Syntax for details.


The method used to calculate each Grid cell value: 

SIS_SCATTER_GRID_INTERPOLATE    The cell value is the weighted average for the expression evaluated on the three closest Items.
SIS_SCATTER_GRID_CLOSEST    The cell value is equal to the expression evaluated on the closest Item.
SIS_SCATTER_GRID_SUM    Set the value of each Grid cell to the sum of the expression evaluated for each Item which is inside the cell.
SIS_SCATTER_GRID_COUNT    Simply count number of Items in each Grid cell.
The x coordinate of the origin of the Grid item. This is not the bottom-left-hand corner of the Grid, but is a position around which the grid will position itself. Use (0.0,0.0,0.0) to make a Grid aligned to the current axes.
The y coordinate of the origin of the Grid item. This is not the bottom-left-hand corner of the Grid, but is a position around which the grid will position itself. Use (0.0,0.0,0.0) to make a Grid aligned to the current axes.
The z coordinate of the origin of the Grid item. This is not the bottom-left-hand corner of the Grid, but is a position around which the grid will position itself. Use (0.0,0.0,0.0) to make a Grid aligned to the current axes.
The x size of each Grid cell in metres.

The maximum size of the Grid item is 1000 by 1000 cells. The created Grid will always cover the Items in the Named List, so if a very small cell size is specified, this routine can fail.

The y size of each Grid cell in metres.

The maximum size of the Grid item is 1000 by 1000 cells. The created Grid will always cover the Items in the Named List, so if a very small cell size is specified, this routine can fail.


Note: The estimation of z values of a surface at an unsampled point based on the known z values of surrounding points.

Available: GEO MD OD SISpy


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