Named List Methods

Named Lists are used to both pass and return lists of items to SIS methods, and exist only for the duration of a SIS session. Named Lists are referred to by an application/customisation supplied textual name.

It is possible for the contents of a Named List to become out-of-date, e.g. if an Item in a Named List is deleted, or if its dataset is removed. Any attempt to access an out-of-date Item will result in an error. It is therefore best to use Named Lists as temporary storage, and it is good practice to empty them using EmptyList after they have been used.

AddToList Adds the current open item to a Named List.
CombineLists   Combines two Named Lists using a boolean operation.
CopyListItems   Copies the items in a Named List to the default overlay.
CreateListFromOverlay   Creates a Named List of all of the items on an overlay.
CreateListFromSelection   Creates a Named List of the currently selected items.
Delete   Deletes all of the items in a Named List.
DrawList   Draws items in a Named List with overridden styles.
EmptyList   Empties all of the items from a Named List, and deletes the Named List.
ExportList   Exports data from a Named List using an Add-in exporter.
GetListDetails   Describes the contents of the given Named List.
GetListExtent   Gets the extents of all of the items in a Named List.
GetListItemFlt   Gets the value of a floating point property from an Item in a Named List.
GetListItemInt   Gets the value of an integer property from an Item in a Named List.
GetListItemStr   Gets the value of a string property from an Item in a Named List.
GetListSize   Gets the number of items in a Named List.
MoveList   Moves, rotates, and scales editable items in a Named list.
OpenList   Opens an item from a Named List.
RemoveListAtt   Removes an attribute from all of the items in a Named list.
RemoveFromList Removes the current open item from a Named List.
Scan   Scans for items, storing any found in a Named list.
ScanGeometry   Finds items that satisfy a geometrical test with the current open item.
ScanList   Scans a Named List for items matching a named filter and/or named spatial filter.
ScanOverlay   Scans an overlay for items, storing any found in a Named List.
SelectList   Toggles the selection status of items in a Named List.
SetListFlt   Sets the value of a floating point property on the items in a Named List.
SetListFormula   Sets the value of a property on items in a Named List, using the result of an expression.
SetListInt   Sets the value of an integer property on the items in a Named list.
SetListProperty   Sets the value of a property on the items in a Named List.
SetListStr   Sets the value of a string property on the items in a Named List.

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