Spatial Searching Methods

The following methods allow the application programmer or customiser to perform spatial queries on items.

GetClosestPt   Gets the closest point on any linear geometry of the current open Item to the given position.
GetClosestVertex   Gets the closest vertex of the current open Item to the given position.
GetGeomIntersections   Looks for intersections between a single piece of geometry from the current open item, and items in the given Named List.
OpenClosestItem Opens the item closest to a 3D position within a specified search radius, making it the current open Item.
Scan   Scans for items, storing any found in a named list.
ScanDataset   Scans a dataset for items, storing any found in a named list.
ScanGeometry   Finds items that satisfy a geometrical test with the current open item.
ScanList   Scans a named list for items matching a named filter and/or named spatial filter.
ScanOverlay   Scans an overlay for items, storing any found in a named list.
ScanPointContainers   Finds Polygon items that contain a point.
Snap2D   Simulates a user snap, setting current item and returning a position.

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