

Ribbon Group:


Keyboard shortcut:

Ctrl + O


Open opens an existing file.

The file type may be any of those shown in the Open dialog file type drop-down list.

Note: File types OWD and PWD are not included in this drop-down list.

OWD (Open Window Definition) and PWD (Published Window Definition) are formats used in SIS prior to version 8.0. These formats were used in the discontinued products; Map Browser and Map Reader, respectively. The current version of SIS does not support these formats but will open them and allow you to save them as SWDs. To open an OWD or PWD file simply change the .owd or .pwd extension to .swd, the file can then be opened in SIS in the normal manner, i.e. drag and drop or Open [File]. On completion of any changes the file can be saved and will now be an SWD.

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