File menu (  )

The commands available from the File (  ) menu drop-down list are shown below:

These commands expand as shown below, there is a link to the full description for each command.

* Denotes commands that are included in the default Quick Access Toolbar.


New SIS Workspace Definition [File-New]

New [File-New]


Open [File-Open]






Save [File-Save]

Save All [File-Save]

Save As [File-Save As]

Save Copy As [File-Save As]


Open Project [File-Project]

Close Project [File-Project]







Print [File-Print]

Print Preview [File-Print]

Print Setup [File-Print]

Print Template [File-Print Template]

Quick Print Template [File-Print Template]

Store Print Template [File-Print Template]

Recall Print Template [File-Print Template]

Export to File [File-Export]

Export to Multiple Tiles [File-Export]

Export to Server [File-Export]

Publish [File]

SWD utilities

Report [File-Utilities]

Benchmark [File-Utilities]

Repair and Maintenance [File-Utilities]

Licensing utility

Licence Administrator [File-Utilities]

Ordnance Survey (GB) utilities

OS OpenData Manager [File-Utilities]

OS VectorMap Manager [File-Utilities]

OS MasterMap Manager [File-Utilities]

OS Network Manager [File-Utilities]

Close [File]

The Options button allows a number of system options to be set using the Options [File] command.

The Exit SIS button displays the Save changes in modified SWD(s) dialog:

This gives the following options:

Prompt for each SWD before closing, providing there is more than one modified SWD in the current session.

Save all, without further prompting saves all SWDs before closing.

Close all, without saving closes all SWDs without saving.

Cancel quits the Exit SIS operation.

Show details displays the name of each modified SWD at the top of the dialog.

Don't ask again; always save, check this tickbox to always save without being asked in this session.

See also:

The Quick Access Toolbar

The Ribbon

The Status Bar

Customizing the Keyboard

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