Orthogonal Grid

Printed maps often display grid lines annotated with the grid eastings and northings printed around the boundary. You can display grid lines, annotated or not, by selecting a Map Frame item, and then running Properties [Home-Selection].

The Map Frame page of the resulting dialog has controls for configuring the appearance of the grid lines, their spacing, and the appearance of any annotation. If the Map Frame item contents have been rotated, the grid lines will be correspondingly rotated. Rotation angles between 0° and 45° will display eastings along the bottom and top of the Map Frame item. Angles between 45° and 90° will display eastings along the left and right sides.

Orthogonal grids are always printed last, on top of the Map Frame item contents.

Note: Orthogonal grid lines can only be created when the Map Frame item view is a grid-based projection, e.g. Transverse Mercator and not Latitude/Longitude.

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