Add Search

Searches are used by the Quick Search in Web Map Layers 8.0. Multiple searches can be defined for each map and all defined databases will be searched. The administrator needs to add a search, which will then be listed in the Manage Searches list and then included for each map in the General Settings – mapname Settings dialog.

Select Searches > Add Search from the What would you like to do? drop-down menu:

The Add Search dialog will be displayed:


Description of the search to add (this will be displayed as a title for the results on your site).

Connector Type

Select the connector type for the type of search:


Aligned Assets



Oracle Full Text


PostGIS Vector Search

SQL Server

SQL Server Full Text

Database Connection

This is defines the connection to the database where your address data will be coming from.

Table Name

The name of the table within the database that contains the search data. Select the required table from the drop-down list.

Easting Column

The Search Column that contains Easting information (for example x-coordinate).

Northing Column

The Search Column that contains Northing information (for example y-coordinate).

Results Column

The Search Column you wish to be displayed as the result (for example the address column).

Case Sensitive

Check this tickbox if you would like the search to be case sensitive.

Zoom Resolution

The resolution that your search result will be displayed in.


This defines the icon you wish to be placed as a marker when a result is selected from the search query. Available markers are shown in the drop-down list.


This defines the projection of the search data. Available projections are shown in the drop-down list.

Search Columns

This is the column you wish to search on. Click Add Column to add a new column, this will be initially titled Not Set. A dialog will be displayed to select a Name from a drop-down list and a text box for an Alias to be entered. Click OK.

Additional Results Columns

This defines any additional search columns. Click Add Column to add a new column, this will be initially titled Not Set. A dialog will be displayed to select a Name from a drop-down list and a text box for an Alias to be entered. Click OK.

Order By Columns

This defines the order of precedence of the returned results. For example, a search for "Stevenage" could return "Stevenage Road" when in reality, the more appropriate result is "Stevenage, Hertfordshire."

Click Add Column to add a new column, this will be initially titled Not Set. A dialog will be displayed to select a Name from a drop-down list and a text box for an Alias to be entered. Click OK.

Further columns can be added in this manner and then promoted or demoted in the order of precedence by the Move Up/Move Down buttons.

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