Drawing Methods
The following methods create Cadcorp SIS Desktop graphics.
In many cases it will be easier and more efficient to use the CreateItem method with an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Well-Known-Text string, rather than a stream of MoveTo/LineTo.
BezierTo | Draws a Bezier curve from the current drawing position. |
BulgeTo | Draws an arc from the current drawing position. |
CleanLines | Cleans up LineString items, removing repeated vertices etc. |
CreateAreaFromLines | Creates a Polygon, or Polygons, from the LineString items in a named list. |
CreateAspectGrid | Creates an 'aspect' Grid from the currently open TIN as angles measured from North. |
CreateAssembly | Creates an Assembly item from the items in a named list. |
CreateBitmap | Creates a Bitmap item. |
CreateBlock | Creates a named Block from the items in a named list. |
CreateBoundary | Creates an item from the boundary of the current open item. |
CreateBoxLabel | Creates a special BoxLabel text item with a line pointing to a labelled location. |
CreateBoxText | Creates a BoxText item. |
CreateCircle | Creates a circular Polygon item. |
CreateConvexHull | Creates the smallest possible item with convex geometry that contains the current open item. |
CreateEllipse | Creates an elliptical Polygon item. |
CreateMarkdown | Creates a markdown text item with the specified extent |
CreateExtrusion | Creates a Surface item by extruding the current open Polygon or LineString item. |
CreateFormulaGrid | Creates a Grid item by combining named Grid items using an expression. |
CreateGeodeticBuffer | Creates a 'geodetic' buffer around items in a named list. |
CreateGradientGrid | Creates a 'slope' Grid from the currently open TIN as gradients between 0 and 100% |
CreateGraticule | Creates a Graticule item using the current open Map Frame item. |
CreateGreatCircleLine | Creates a Great Circle line. |
CreateGridFromQZone | Creates a Grid item from the current open QZone item. |
CreateHotSpotGrid | Creates a Hot Spot Grid item from the origins of the items in a named list. |
CreateInsert | Creates an insertion of a Block item. |
CreateLineText | Creates a LineText item using the current open LineString item. |
CreateNorthPoint | Creates a North Point item using the current open Map Frame item. |
CreatePhoto | Creates a Map Frame item in the current window, filling it with the composed window. |
CreatePhotoEx | Creates a Map Frame item in the current session, filling it with the specified named composition. |
CreatePoint | Creates a Point item. |
CreateQZoneFromGrid | Creates a QZone item from the cells in the current open Grid item that are between two values. |
CreateRectangle | Creates a rectangular Polygon item. |
CreateScatterGrid | Creates a Grid item from the hook points of the items in a named list. |
CreateSlopeGrid | Creates a 'slope' Grid from the currently open TIN as angles between 0 and 90 degrees. |
CreateSurface | Creates a Surface item from the current open Polygon item. |
CreateTable | Creates a table item on the Print Template at the specified location which contains attributes of the defined overlay |
CreateText | Creates a point Text item. |
CreateThiessen | Creates Thiessen Polygon items from the hook points of the items in a named list. |
CreateTin | Creates a TIN from the hook points of the items in a named list. |
CreateTinEx | Creates a TIN from the hook points of the items in a named list, using advanced creation properties. |
CreateTinFromGrid | Fits a TIN item over the current open Grid item. |
CreateViewshed | Calculates a 'viewshed' over Grid Items. |
DecomposeGeometry | Breaks down the currently open item with complex geometry so the disconnected pieces form separate items. |
DecomposeGrid | 'Explodes' the current open Grid item into one Polygon item per Grid cell. |
DeleteGeomPt | Deletes a vertex from the geometry of a currently open item. |
ExplodeShape | Converts Point items with symbols into editable items. |
FacetGeometry | Replaces curved geometry segments with shorter straight segments. |
FillGeometry | Fills the space that is enclosed by the geometry of the current open item. |
GeneraliseDP | Generalises geometry using the Douglas-Peucker algorithm. |
InsertGeomPt | Inserts a new vertex into geometry from the current open item. |
IsGeomClockwise | Test if the geometry of the current open item is clockwise. |
IsGeomClosed | Test if the geometry of the current open item is closed. |
JoinLines | Joins LineString items within a tolerance. |
LineTo | Draws a LineString item from the current drawing position. |
MoveTo | Sets the current drawing position. |
PasteFrom | Pastes a file into the current SWD. |
SetGeomPt | Sets the position of a vertex in geometry from the current open item. |
SetGeomSegBulge | Sets the bulge of a segment in geometry from the current open item. |
SetGridItemValue | Sets the value in a cell of the current open Grid item. |
SetWatermark | Sets the watermark image used for renders of this SIS Workspace Definition (SWD) in GeognoSIS. |
SliceGeometry | Slices through items in a list cutting them into pieces. |
Snap | Inserts a position into the current callback command |
SnipGeometry | Snips away portions of the items inside or outside the current item. |
SnipTin | Snips out the part of the current open TIN that does not overlap the given Polygon item. |
SubdivideTin | Subdivides the current open TIN item's faces using smooth interpolation. |
StoreAsArea | Stores the previous MoveTo/LineTo operations as a Polygon item. |
StoreAsLine | Stores the previous MoveTo/LineTo operations as a LineString item. |
TraceGeom | Creates a LineString item by tracing geometry from the current open item. |