All Cadcorp SIS API Methods

GetDisplayExtent Method


Gets the padded visible extents of the current window.


Visual Basic
Public Function GetDisplayExtent() As String

Return Type

A comma-delimited string containing a pair of x, y and z co-ordinates describing the padded visible extents of the current window. Use SplitExtent to get the pair of x, y and z values themselves.


The view extents are padded horizontally or vertically to take account of any difference between the aspect ratio of the view and that of the window. The result will always be dependent on the shape of the window and changes whenever the aspect ratio of the window changes, e.g. when the window is resized by the user. It should therefore not be stored for later use. It can, however, be used in EnsureOpenWithin to guarantee that all datasets are opened within the visible extents.

Available: D OD OM OV



sis.GetDisplayExtent ()