All API Methods

The API descriptions include these product codes to indicate which products the API is applicable to. This code is as follows:

GEO = GeognoSIS

D = Cadcorp SIS Desktop

OD = ActiveX Modeller

OM = ActiveX Manager

OV = ActiveX Viewer

SISpy = SIS in Python

PySIS = Python in SIS

The list on this page shows all the methods available within the current version of SIS.

Note: For API methods that take a list of a string as a single parameter, Cadcorp recommend passing the list as a JSON string.

Map Frame and Spatial Filter

Map Frame and Spatial Filter replace the terms Photo and Locus (used in versions of SIS prior to 7.1). The items themselves are not new but were renamed to more accurately describe their function.

TIP: The names of some API methods still contain old terms to enable backward compatibility, i.e. CreateLocusFromItem and CreatePhoto. However the current Cadcorp SIS Desktop API descriptive text uses the new terms.


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


AbandonSession Abandons the current session
AboutBox Displays the Help About Box
Activate  Activates the Cadcorp SIS Control.
ActivateWnd   Activates a window by its number making its SWD current.
AddCommand   Adds an application-defined command to the menu.
AddToList Adds the current open item to a Named List.
AllowCommands   Adds or removes commands from the menu.


BeginDatasetTransaction   Begins a transaction on a Dataset.
BezierTo   Draws a Bezier curve from the current drawing position.
BulgeTo   Draws an arc from the current drawing position.


CallCommand   Calls a non-interactive command in the current SWD.
CancelRequest Allows certain operations to be cancelled
CanDoCommand   Checks whether or not a command can be executed.
ChangeFeatureFilter   Modifies feature code information in a named feature filter.
ChangeLocusTestMode   Changes geometrical test performed by named Spatial Filter object.
ChangePrjUnits   Copies a named Transverse Mercator coordinate reference system, changing the units.
ChangeValueListFilter   Changes the values included in a named value-list filter.
CleanLines   Cleans up LineString items, removing repeated vertices etc.
ClearBackgroundCache   Clears the specified extent of the background cache.
ClearBackgroundSwd   Clears the current background SWD.
CloseCursor   Closes a named cursor.
CloseDataset   Closes a dataset.
CloseIndexDatasetTile   Closes a named dataset tile within an index dataset.
CloseItem   Closes the current open item, stopping it being current.
CombineFilter   Creates a named filter by combining two named filters using a Boolean operation.
CombineLists   Combines two Named Lists using a boolean operation.
CombineLocus   Creates a named spatial filter by combining two named loci using a Boolean operation.
CommitDatasetTransaction   Commits a transaction on a Dataset.
CompactDataset   Discards all undo actions and defragments the memory used by a dataset.
Compose   Composes the current window, in preparation for using PlacePrintTemplate or CreatePhoto on another window.
ComposeEx   Creates a named composition of the current session, in preparation for using
PlacePrintTemplate or CreatePhoto on another session.
ConnectGps   Connects a GPS device attached to this computer.
Copy   Copies the items in a named list to the clipboard.
CopyFeatureCode Copies an existing feature code into the currently loaded feature table.
CopyListItems   Copies the items in a Named List to the default overlay.
CopyNolObject Copies a named object between Named Object Libraries.
CopyThemeComponent   Copies an existing theme component into the currently loaded theme.
CreateAreaFromLines   Creates a Polygon, or Polygons, from the LineString items in a named list.
CreateAspectGrid   Creates an 'aspect' Grid from the currently open TIN as angles measured from North.
CreateAssembly   Creates an Assembly item from the items in a named list.
CreateBackdropOverlay   Creates a new overlay that uses a named item as a backdrop.
CreateBarTheme   Creates a new Bar Chart theme.
CreateBds   Creates an empty BDS (Base DataSet) file.
CreateBitmap   Creates a Bitmap item.
CreateBitmapFromImage Creates a Bitmap from an image.
CreateBlock   Creates a named Block from the items in a named list.
CreateBoolean   Creates a new item by combining existing items.
CreateBoundary   Creates an item from the boundary of the current open item.
CreateBoxLabel   Creates a special BoxLabel text item, with a line pointing to a labelled location.
CreateBoxText   Creates a BoxText item.
CreateBufferFromItems   Creates a Polygon or QZone item surrounding the items in named list.
CreateBufferLocusFromItems   Creates a named buffer spatial filter around items in a named list.
CreateCircle   Creates a circular Polygon item.
CreateCircleLocus   Creates a named circular spatial filter.
CreateClassTreeFilter   Creates a named class tree filter.
CreateColumn Adds an attribute column to the schema of an idb file.
CreateColumnIndex Creates an index on an attribute column in an idb file.
CreateCombinedFilter   Creates a named combined class/property filter.
CreateComposition Creates a named composition based on the current open Map Frame item.
CreateContourTheme   Creates a new Contour theme.
CreateConvexHull   Creates the smallest possible item with convex geometry that contains the current open item.
CreateDataSourceOverlay   Inserts a dataset into the current SWD, that will fetch data from a non-file data source.
CreateDbBlobOverlay   Creates an overlay that views BLOBs stored in a database.
CreateDbOverlay   Creates an overlay that stores editable BLOBs in a database.
CreateDbPointOverlay   Creates an overlay that views Points stored in a database.
CreateDisplacement   Creates a Displacement item, prior to doing a rubber sheet operation.
CreateDotTheme   Creates a new Dot Density theme.
CreateDoubleBoolean   Executes a combination of Boolean operations.
CreateDrapeBitmap   Creates a named Bitmap item from the current view, which is suitable for draping in 3D.
CreateEllipse   Creates an elliptical Polygon item.
CreateExtrudeTheme   Creates a new Extrude theme.
CreateExtrusion   Creates a Surface item by extruding the current open Polygon or LineString item.
CreateFeatureFilter   Creates a named feature filter based on a named feature table.
CreateFilteredOverlay   Creates a new filtered copy of an existing overlay.
CreateFlowTheme   Creates a new Flow theme.
CreateFormulaGrid   Creates a Grid item by combining named Grid items using an expression.
CreateGeodeticBuffer   Creates a 'geodetic' buffer around items in a named list.
CreateGradientGrid   Creates a 'slope' Grid from the currently open TIN as gradients between 0 and 100%
CreateGraduatedTheme   Creates a new Graduated theme.
CreateGraticule   Creates a Graticule item using the current open Map Frame item.
CreateGreatCircleLine   Creates a Great Circle line.
CreateGridFromQZone   Creates a Grid item from the current open QZone item.
CreateGroup   Creates an empty Group item, using a previously registered group class.
CreateGroupFromItems   Creates a Group item from the items in a named list.
CreateHotSpotGrid Creates a Hot Spot Grid item from the origins of the items in a named list.
CreateIdb Creates a new idb file with a set of attribute columns.
CreateIndexCoverage   Creates tile items covering extents, using a standard naming convention.
CreateIndexOverlay   Creates an index overlay.
CreateIndividualTheme   Creates a new Individual theme.
CreateIndividualThemeFromFeatureTable   Creates a new Individual Value theme from a Feature Table.
CreateInsert   Creates an insertion of a Block item.
CreateInternalOverlay   Creates an internal overlay.
CreateIsoRoute   Creates a MultiLineString item, or LineString item, by following a route in all directions.
CreateItem   Creates an item from a BLOB string.
CreateItemB   Creates an item from a BLOB.
CreateItemFromLocus   Creates an item from a named spatial filter.
CreateKeyMap   Creates a Key Map item.
CreateLabelTheme   Creates a new Label theme.
CreateLayerFilter   Creates a named layer filter.
CreateLineText   Creates a LineText item using the current open LineString item.
CreateLinkFilter   Creates an empty named link filter.
CreateListFromOverlay   Creates a Named List of all of the items on an overlay.
CreateListFromSelection   Creates a Named List of the currently selected items.
CreateLocusFromItem   Creates a named spatial filter from the current open item.
CreateNorthPoint   Creates a North Point item using the current open Map Frame item.
CreateObject Creates an object in the current SWD.
CreateOpenGisSqlOverlay   Creates an overlay using an OGC conformant database.
CreatePhaseOverlay   Creates a new phase of an existing overlay.
CreatePhoto   Creates a Map Frame item in the current window, filling it with the composed window.
CreatePhotoEx Creates a Map Frame item in the current session, filling it with the specified named composition.
CreatePieTheme   Creates a new Pie Chart theme.
CreatePoint   Creates a Point item.
CreatePropertyFilter   Creates a named property filter.
CreateQZoneFromGrid   Creates a QZone item from the cells in the current open Grid item that are between
two values.
CreateRangeTheme   Creates a new Range theme.
CreateRectangle   Creates a rectangular Polygon item.
CreateRectLocus   Creates a named rectangular spatial filter.
CreateReliefTheme   Creates a new Relief theme.
CreateRubberSheet   Creates a Rubber Sheet item from the Displacement items in a named list.
CreateScaleBar   Creates a Scale Bar item using the current open Map Frame item.
CreateScatterGrid   Creates a Grid item from the hook points of the items in a named list.
CreateSlopeGrid   Creates a 'slope' Grid from the currently open TIN as angles between 0 and 90 degrees.
CreateSurface   Creates a Surface item from the current open Polygon item.
CreateText   Creates a point Text item.
CreateThiessen   Creates Thiessen Polygon items from the hook points of the items in a named list.
CreateTin   Creates a TIN from the hook points of the items in a named list.
CreateTinEx Creates a TIN from the hook points of the items in a named list, using advanced creation properties.
CreateTinFromGrid Fits a TIN item over the current open Grid item.
CreateTopoTheme   Creates a new Topology theme.
CreateValueListFilter   Creates an empty named value-list filter.
CreateViewshed   Calculates a 'viewshed' over Grid Items.


DecomposeGeometry   Breaks down the currently open item with complex geometry, so the disconnected pieces form separate items.
DecomposeGrid 'Explodes' the current open Grid item into one Polygon item per Grid cell.
DefineNolDatum   Defines a named geodetic datum, using the standard seven Bursa-Wolf parameters to modify WGS 84.
DefineNolItem   Stores the current open item in a Named Object Library.
DefineNolItemFromLocus   Stores a named spatial filter in a Named Object Library as a named item.
DefineNolObject   Creates a named object from an implicit string.
DefineNolPrintTemplate   Defines a named print template from the current window contents.
DefineNolPrj   Creates a named coordinate reference system from an EPSG code.
DefineNolPrjLatLon   Defines a named (Latitude,Longitude) coordinate reference system.
DefineNolPrjTm   Defines a named Transverse Mercator coordinate reference system.
DefineNolShape   Defines a named Symbol from the items in a named list.
DefineNolView   Defines a named view from the view in the current window.
DefineRecordset   Defines a named recordset, for use with databases.
Delete   Deletes all of the items in a Named List.
DeleteComposition   Deletes a named composition.
DeleteGeomPt Deletes a vertex from the geometry of a currently open item.
DeleteItem   Deletes the current open item.
DeleteNolObject   Deletes a named object from a Named Object Library.
DeleteObject Deletes an object in the current SWD.
DeleteRecordset   Deletes a named recordset.
DescribeProperty   Sets the description of a property.
DeselectAll   Clears the current selection list.
DigitiserSnap   Sends a digitised position into the current callback command.
DisconnectGps   Disconnects the currently connected GPS device.
DissolveItems Merges items in a named list, based on attribute values.
DoCommand   Executes a command.
DrapeBitmap   Drapes a bitmap.
DrawList   Draws items in a Named List with overridden styles.
DropColumn Deletes an attribute column from the schema of an idb file.
DropColumnIndex Deletes an index from an attribute column in an idb file.


EmptyGroup   Empties the current open Group item.
EmptyList   Empties all of the items from a Named List, and deletes the Named List.
EnableOverlayTheme   Enables/disables an overlay theme.
EnsureOpenWithin   Forces datasets in the current SWD to open any items within the given extents, at the given scale.
Evaluate   Evaluates a expression.
EvaluateFlt   Evaluates a expression that has a floating point result.
EvaluateInt   Evaluates a expression that has an integer result.
EvaluateStr   Evaluates a expression that has a string result.
Exit Exits the Cadcorp SIS Desktop session.
ExplodeOverlayTheme   Explodes an overlay theme into a new overlay.
ExplodeShape Converts Point items with symbols into editable items.
Export  Exports data using an Add-in exporter.
ExportBds Exports the current view to a BDS file.
ExportBmp   Exports the current view to a Windows Bitmap (BMP) file.
ExportCursorDataset  Exports an Overlay to a cursor-based Dataset, e.g. Cadcorp Feature Database (FDB).
ExportEcw   Exports the current view to an Earth Resource Mapping Enhanced Compression Wavelet (ECW) file.
ExportFeatureTable   Exports a named feature table to a comma-separated file.
ExportGif Exports the current view to a GIF file.
ExportJpeg   Exports the current view to a JPEG file.
ExportList   Exports data from a Named List using an Add-in exporter.
ExportPdf  Exports the current view to a PDF file.
ExportPng   Exports the current view to a PNG file.
ExportRaster Exports raster data.
ExportTiff   Exports the current view to a TIFF file.
ExportVrml   Exports the current view to a VRML file.
ExportWmf   Exports the current view to a Windows Metafile (WMF) file.


FacetGeometry Replaces curved geometry segments with shorter straight segments.
FillGeometry Fills the space that is enclosed by the geometry of the current open item.
FillPhotoFromComposition Refills the current open Map Frame item from a named composition.
FillSwdFromComposition Refills the current SWD from a named composition.
FindDatasetOverlay   Finds an overlay that contains the given dataset.
FindExternalDataset   Gets the serial number of a dataset that is already open.


Gazetteer Handles OGC Gazetteer service (WFS) requests.
GeneraliseDP   Generalises geometry using the Douglas-Peucker algorithm.
Get3DEye   Gets the position of the Eye in a 3D window.
Get3DLook   Gets the position looked towards in a 3D window.
GetAxesAngle   Gets the angle of the current axes.
GetAxesFromLatLonHgt   Gets the Cartesian axes (x,y,z) position from latitude, longitude and height above sea-level.
GetAxesPrj   Gets a copy of the axes coordinate reference system.
GetAxesType   Gets the type of the current axes (i.e. Cartesian or Spherical).
GetBlob   Gets the BLOB string of the current open item within a coordinate reference system.
GetBlobB   Gets the BLOB of the current open item within a coordinate reference system.
GetBlobExtent   Gets the extents of a BLOB string, within a coordinate reference system.
GetClassTreeFilterValues   Returns a space-separated list of all of the classes in a named class tree filter, prefixed with a '+' or '-' to indicate inclusion and exclusion.
GetClosestPt   Gets the closest point on any linear geometry of the current open Item to the given position.
GetClosestVertex   Gets the closest vertex of the current open Item to the given position.
GetCommandTick   Gets the tick state of an application-defined command.
GetCoordExtent   Gets the extents corresponding to a coordinate format string.
GetCoordString  Gets the string representation of a position.
GetCoordUnits Gets the preferred angle, linear, area or volume units used in the user interface.
GetCursorFieldDescription   Returns the description of a single named cursor field, or a tab-separated list of the descriptions of all of the fields of a named cursor.
GetCursorFieldFlt   Gets the value of a floating point property for the current named cursor record.
GetCursorFieldFormula   Returns the expression of a single named cursor field, or a tab-separated list of the expressions of all of the fields of a named cursor.
GetCursorFieldInt   Gets the value of a integer property for the current named cursor record.
GetCursorFieldStatistics   Calculates statistics for a field in a named cursor.
GetCursorFieldStr   Gets the value of a string property for the current named cursor record.
GetCursorFieldValue Gets the value of the field of the specified cursor.
GetCursorFieldValues   Returns a string containing all of the values in all of the fields of a named cursor for the current record.
GetCursorValues   Returns a string containing all of the values in all a field of a named cursor for the given records.
GetDataset   Gets the serial number of the current open item's dataset.
GetDatasetContainer   Gets the serial number of the dataset that contains the specified dataset, e.g. in an Index Dataset.
GetDatasetExtent   Gets the extents of all of the items in a dataset.
GetDatasetPrj Gets a copy of a dataset coordinate reference system.
GetDisplayExtent   Gets the padded visible extents of the current window.
GetDrawExtent   Returns the 'draw' extents of the current open item, e.g. including the extents of a symbol on a Point item.
GetErrorString   Gets the string associated with a SIS error code.
GetExtent   Gets the extents of the current open item.
GetFeatureFilterBranches  Gets the feature codes branching from a parent feature code in a named feature filter.
GetFeatureFilterCodes   Returns a space-separated list of all of the feature codes in a named feature filter, prefixed with a '+' or '-' to indicate inclusion and exclusion.
GetFeatureFilterTable   Finds a feature table in a NOL that matches the one stored in a feature filter.
GetFeatureTableBranches   Gets the feature codes branching from a parent feature code in the currently loaded feature table.
GetFilterClass   Returns the class of a named filter.
GetFlt   Gets the value of a floating point property.
GetGeomAngleFromLength   Gets the tangent angle a specified length along geometry from the current open item.
GetGeomDim   Gets dimension of geometry from the current open item.
GetGeomIntersections   Looks for intersections between a single piece of geometry from the current open item, and items
in the given Named List.
GetGeomLength   Gets length of geometry from the current open item.
GetGeomLengthUpto   Gets the length along the current open item's geometry up to a position.
GetGeomNumPt   Gets the number of vertices in geometry from the current open item.
GetGeomNumSeg   Gets the number of segments in geometry from the current open item.
GetGeomPosFromLength   Gets the position a specified length along geometry from the current open item.
GetGeomPt   Gets the position of a vertex from geometry in the current open item.
GetGeomSegAxis   Gets the axis of a bulged segment within geometry in the current open item.
GetGeomSegBulge   Gets the bulge of a segment within geometry in the current open item.
GetGeomSegShape   Gets the shape of a segment within geometry of the current open item.
GetGeomSelfIntersection   Looks for a self-intersection within a single piece of geometry from the current open item.
GetGeomTgtFromLength   Gets the tangent vector a specified length along geometry from the current open item.
GetGpsPosition   Gets the current GPS position.
GetGridItemValue   Gets the value of the cell in the current open Grid item at a position.
GetHook   Gets the hook point of the current open item.
GetImplicitNolObject   Gets the implicit equivalent of an object in a Named Object Library.
GetInt   Gets the value of an integer property.
GetLatLonHgtFromAxes   Gets the latitude, longitude and height above sea-level of a Cartesian axes (x,y,z) position.
GetLayerFilterValues   Returns a tab-separated list of all of the layers in a named layer filter, prefixed with a '+' or '-' to
indicate inclusion and exclusion.
GetLinkFilterIds  Returns a space-separated list of values from a named link filter.
GetListDetails   Describes the contents of the given Named List.
GetListExtent   Gets the extents of all of the items in a Named List.
GetListItemFlt   Gets the value of a floating point property from an Item in a Named List.
GetListItemInt   Gets the value of an integer property from an Item in a Named List.
GetListItemStr   Gets the value of a string property from an Item in a Named List.
GetListSize   Gets the number of items in a Named List.
GetNumCursorFields   Returns the number of fields in a named cursor.
GetNumGeom   Gets the number of geometry pieces in the current open item.
GetNumNol   Gets the number of Named Object Libraries in use.
GetNumSel   Gets the number of items selected in the current SWD.
GetNumSelEx   Gets the number of items selected in the current SWD.
GetNumSwd   Gets the number of different SWD files open.
GetNumWnd   Gets the number of windows open.
GetOverlayFilter   Gets a copy of an overlay drawing filter.
GetOverlayLocus   Gets a copy of an overlay drawing spatial filter.
GetOverlaySchema   Gets a copy of an overlay schema.
GetOverlayTheme   Gets a copy of an overlay theme.
GetOverlayThemeLegend   Gets an overlay theme legend as a BLOB string within a coordinate reference system.
GetPhotoWorldPos   Gets the world position from a paper position within the current open Map Frame item.
GetPos   Gets a position from the user.
GetPosEx   Gets a position from the user and returns the action taken.
GetPrjCode   Gets the EPSG code of a named coordinate reference system.
GetPrjScaleAtCentre   Gets the scale at the centre of a named coordinate reference system.
GetProfileStr Gets the value of a string profile property
GetProperty Gets the value of a property
GetPropertyDescription   Gets the description of a property.
GetPropertyFilterFormula   Returns the expression of a named property filter.
Thin wrapper on top of the GetGeomSelfIntersection method.
GetSessionStatus Gets the status of the current session.
GetSessionTimeout   Gets the session timeout value.
GetShapeExtent  Gets the extents of a named symbol.
GetSpatialReference   Gets the spatial reference for the current open item within a spanned cube in a coordinate reference system.
GetSpatialReferenceFromExtent   Gets the spatial reference for the given extents within a spanned cube in a coordinate reference system.
GetStr   Gets the value of a string property.
GetStrW   Gets the Unicode value of a string property.
GetValueListFilterProperty   Returns the property used by a named value list filter.
GetValueListFilterValues   Returns a space-separated list of values from a named value list filter.
GetViewAngle   Gets the current view angle.
GetViewExtent   Gets the visible extents of the current window.
GetViewPos   Gets the position in the current view from a position and size in pixels.
GetViewPosEx   Gets the position in the current view from a position and size in pixels, as a comma-separated string.
GetViewPrj   Gets a copy of the view coordinate reference system.
GisExit Exits the Cadcorp SIS Desktop session.


ImportDataset   Imports a dataset into the current SWD.
ImportDataSourceOverlay   Imports a dataset into the current SWD, that will fetch data from non-file data source.
ImportFeatureTable   Imports a named feature table from a comma-separated file.
InsertDataset   Inserts a dataset into the current SWD.
InsertFeatureCode Inserts a new feature code into the currently loaded feature table.
InsertGeomPt   Inserts a new vertex into geometry from the current open item.
InsertOverlayTheme   Inserts a copy of a named theme into an overlay in the current SWD.
InsertSchemaColumn   Inserts a new column into the currently loaded schema.
IsColumnIndexed   Determines whether an attribute column in an idb file is indexed.
IsGeomClockwise Test if the geometry of the current open item is clockwise.
IsGeomClosed Test if the geometry of the current open item is closed.
IsoRoute   Finds Link and Node items that can be reached from a position within a given cost.
IsOverlayThemeEnabled   Checks whether an Overlay theme is currently enabled or disabled.
IsServiceLicensed Determines if the service is correctly licensed.


JoinLines   Joins LineString items within a tolerance.


LineTo   Draws a LineString item from the current drawing position.
LoadBackgroundSwd   Loads a new background SWD.
LoadFeatureTable   Loads a named feature table for editing.
LoadSchema   Loads a named schema for editing.
LoadSwd   Replaces the current SWD with the contents of an SWD file.
LoadTheme   Loads a named theme for editing.
LocusIntersect   Creates a named spatial filter by intersecting two existing loci.


MapPath   Returns the physical file path that corresponds to the specified relative path.
MeasureAzimuth   Measures the azimuth between two positions.
MeasureGreatCircle   Measures the Great Circle distance between two positions.
MeasureRoute   Measures the best route between two positions.
MenuItem Adds a custom command to a local menu.
Message   Shows a message in the status bar of the main frame window.
MetreFromStr   Gets a metre dimension from a string, regardless of the units used in the string.
MoveAxes   Sets the position of the Cartesian axes.
MoveCursor   Moves the position of the current record of a named cursor.
MoveCursorToBegin   Moves a named cursor to the first record.
MoveCursorToEnd   Moves a named cursor to the last record.
MoveList   Moves, rotates, and scales editable items in a Named list.
MoveTo   Sets the current drawing position.
MultiRoute   Measure routes between items in named list.


NolCatalog   Lists all of objects of a given class in all of the Named Object Libraries.
NolClose   Closes a Named Object Library, optionally saving any changes.
NolCompact   Discards all old Named Object Library (NOL) objects and defragments the memory used by a NOL.
NolCreate   Creates an empty Named Object Library file.
NolInsert   Inserts a Named Object Library file.
NolOwn   Sets the ownership of a Named Object Library.
NolSave   Saves a Named Object Library file.


OpenClosestItem   Opens the item closest to a 3D position, within a specified search radius.
OpenCursorItem   Opens the item in the current record of a named cursor.
OpenCursorDatasetItem Opens a cursor based dataset item.
OpenDatasetItem   Opens the item in the named dataset with the given id number.
OpenExistingDatasetItem   Opens an item from an existing dataset with a given id number.
OpenFormulaItem   Opens an item within a dataset that matches a expression.
OpenItem   Opens the item in the current dataset with the given id number.
OpenList   Opens an item from a Named List.
OpenListCursor   Opens a named cursor on a named list.
OpenOverlayCursor   Opens a named cursor on an Overlay.
OpenOverlayItem   Opens the item on an overlay with the given id number.
OpenSel   Opens an item in the current selection list.
OpenSortedCursor Opens a new sorted cursor from an existing named cursor.
OwnDataset   Sets the ownership of a dataset.


Paste   Pastes the contents of the Windows clipboard into the current overlay.
PasteFrom   Pastes a file into the current SWD.
PauseGpsReplay   Pauses a GPS log file replay.
PhotoGrid   Sets the default grid on the current open Map Frame item.
PlaceGroup   Places the current open Group item, leaving it open.
PlacePrintTemplate   Places a Print Template in the current SWD, filling it with the composed window.
PlacePrintTemplateEx   Places a Print Template in the current SWD, filling it with the specified named composition.
Process Runs a single or multiple processes.
ProcessItem Runs a user-defined process on an open item.
ProjectClose Saves and closes the current project.
ProjectOpen Opens an existing project.
Prompt   Sets the prompt to show in the status bar of the main frame window.
Publish Publishes data.


ReadObject Reads data describing an object in the current SWD.
RecallNolItem   Creates an item from a Named Object Library item.
RecallNolView   Recalls a named view from a Named Object Library.
Redraw   Redraws a window, or windows.
RedrawExtent   Redraws part of a window, or windows.
RefreshDataset   Makes sure a dataset is up-to-date.
RefreshOverlayJoinTable Refreshes the joined overlay and table view
RegisterGroupType   Registers a sub-class of a Group, that the user cannot directly modify.
RegisterTrigger   Registers a trigger button that will be pressed when an event occurs.
Release   Returns control to the application.
ReleaseNA   Returns control to the application, without activating it.
RemoveAtt   Removes an attribute from the current open item.
RemoveCommand   Removes an application-defined command.
RemoveFeatureCode   Removes an existing feature code from the currently loaded feature table.
RemoveFromList Removes the current open item from a Named List.
RemoveListAtt   Removes an attribute from all of the items in a Named list.
RemoveOverlay   Removes an overlay from the current SWD, deleting it if it is an internal overlay.
RemoveOverlayTheme   Removes a theme from an overlay in the current SWD.
RemoveProperty   Removes a property from an object.
RemoveSchemaColumn   Removes an existing column from the currently loaded schema.
Render   Renders the current view into an HTML stream.
RenderExtent{SisMimeData}   Renders the specified view into an image.
RenderTile{SisMimeData}   Renders and caches the specified tile at the specified scale level into an image.
ReorderOverlay   Changes the order of overlays.
ReplayGpsLog   Replays a log file of GPS data.
RibbonButton Adds a custom command to the ribbon Applications tab.
RollbackDatasetTransaction   Rolls back a transaction on a Dataset.
RubberSheetRaster   Applies the current Rubber Sheet Transformation to the current open Bitmap item.
RubberSheetVector   Transforms the items in a named list with the current Rubber Sheet.


SaveBitmap   Saves the current open Bitmap item to a file.
SaveDataset   Saves a dataset if it has been modified.
SaveSwd   Saves the current SWD to a file.
Scan   Scans for items, storing any found in a named list.
ScanDataset   Scans a dataset for items, storing any found in a named list.
ScanGeometry   Finds items that satisfy a geometrical test with the current open item.
ScanList   Scans a Named List for items matching a named filter and/or named spatial filter.
ScanOverlay   Scans an overlay for items, storing any found in a named list.
ScanPointContainers   Finds Polygon items that contain a point.
ScrollView   Scrolls the current window by a number of pixels.
SelectAll   Selects all hittable and editable items.
SelectItem   Toggles the selection status of the current open item.
SelectList   Toggles the selection status of items in a Named List.
SendPrint   Prints the current window.
Set3DView   Sets the eye and look position in a 3D view.
SetAxesAngle   Rotates the axes to an angle.
SetAxesGrid   Shows/hides a grid of points or lines with optional snapping.
SetAxesNormal   Resets the axes to the origin and orientation of the underlying coordinate reference system.
SetAxesPrj   Sets the coordinate reference system used by axes.
SetCombinedFilterClause  Adds a clause to a named combined class/property filter.
SetCoordUnits Sets the preferred angle, linear, area or volume units used in the user interface.
SetDatasetPrj Sets a dataset coordinate reference system.
SetDefaultPrj   Sets the default coordinate reference system.
SetFlt   Sets the value of a floating point property.
SetForegroundWindow   Makes a Microsoft Visual Basic form the foreground window.
SetGazetteerView   Finds and zooms to a location using an Add-in Gazetteer.
SetGeomPt   Sets the position of a vertex in geometry from the current open item.
SetGeomSegBulge   Sets the bulge of a segment in geometry from the current open item.
SetGridItemValue   Sets the value in a cell of the current open Grid item.
SetInt   Sets the value of an integer property.
SetListFlt   Sets the value of a floating point property on the items in a Named List.
SetListFormula   Sets the value of a property on items in a Named List, using the result of a expression.
SetListInt   Sets the value of an integer property on the items in a Named list.
SetListProperty   Sets the value of a property on the items in a Named List.
SetListStr   Sets the value of a string property on the items in a Named List.
SetOverlayDataset Sets the Dataset of an overlay in the current SWD.
SetOverlayFilter   Applies a copy of a named filter to an overlay in the current SWD.
SetOverlayJoinTable Sets a join between an overlay and a table
SetOverlayLocus   Applies a copy of a named spatial filter to an overlay in the current SWD.
SetOverlaySchema   Applies a copy of a schema to an overlay in the current SWD.
SetPhotoWorldCentre Sets the centre of the view within the current open Map Frame item.
SetProfileStr Sets the value of a string profile property.
SetProperty Sets the value of a property.
SetRubberTransform   Sets the current Rubber Sheet Transformation from the current open Rubber Sheet item.
SetSessionTimeout   Sets the session timeout value.
SetStr   Sets the value of a string property.
SetStrW   Sets the Unicode value of a string property.
SetUnits   Sets the preferred units used in the user interface.
SetupLink   Makes a connection from a GisLink customisation.
SetViewAngle   Sets the current view angle.
SetViewExtent   Sets the visible extents of the current window.
SetViewHome   Sets the "home" view of a Map Window.
SetViewPrj   Sets the coordinate reference system of the current window's view.
SetWatermark Sets the watermark image used for renders of this SWD in GeognoSIS.
ShowMenu   Sets the visibility of the main menu.
ShowNolObjectDialog Shows the edit dialog for an object in a Named Object Library.
SimplifyGeom   Simplifies the geometry of the current open item.
SliceGeometry   Slices through items in a list cutting them into pieces.
Snap   Inserts a position into the current callback command
Snap2D   Simulates a user snap, setting current item and returning a position.
SnipGeometry   Snips away portions of the items inside or outside the current item.
SnipTin Snips out the part of the current open TIN that does not overlap the given Polygon item.
SplitCombinedFilter   Splits a named combined filter in two new named filters, and returns the combine Boolean operation.
SplitExtent   Splits a comma-delimited extents string into numbers.
SplitPos   Splits a comma-delimited position string into numbers.
StartGpsLog   Starts logging GPS NMEA strings to a file.
StopGpsLog   Stops logging GPS NMEA strings to a file.
StopGpsReplay   Stops a GPS log file replay.
StoreAsArea   Stores the previous MoveTo/LineTo operations as a Polygon item.
StoreAsLine   Stores the previous MoveTo/LineTo operations as a LineString item.
StoreFeatureTable   Stores the currently open feature table.
StoreSchema   Stores the currently open schema.
StoreTheme   Stores the currently open theme.
StrFromMetre   Formats a metre dimension as a string in a chosen format.
SubdivideTin Subdivides the current open TIN item's faces using smooth interpolation.
SwdClose Closes all of the windows of the current SWD.
SwdNew   Creates a new, empty SWD.
SwdNewFromSwt   Creates a new SWD from an SWT.
SwdNewWindow   Creates a new window onto an existing SWD, with the given view.
SwdNewWindow3D   Creates a new 3D window onto an existing SWD.
SwdNewWindowTable   Creates a new Table window onto an existing SWD.
SwdOpen   Opens an existing SWD file.
SwdSave   Saves the current SWD.
SwdSaveAs   Renames and saves the current SWD.
SwdSaveAsPwd   Saves the current SWD as a PWD.
SwdSaveAsSwt Saves the current SWD as an SWT.
SwitchCommand   Queues a command for the current SWD, and returns immediately.
SwtClose   Closes all of the windows of the current SWT.
SwtNew   Creates a new, empty PWD.
SwtOpen   Opens an existing SWT file.
SwtSave   Saves the current SWT.
SwtSaveAs   Renames and saves the current SWT.


TableNewWindow   Creates or activates a view onto a Named Table.
Takeover   Takes over control from the application.
TickCommand   Sets or clears a tick on an application-defined command.
TopoClean   Cleans up topological Link items.
TopoCombineNamedSeeds   Creates a Named Seed object by doing a Boolean operation on existing Named Seed objects.
TopoConvertToArea   Converts the current open TopoPolygon item into a Polygon item.
TopoConvertToChain   Converts the current open LineString item into a TopoLineString item.
TopoConvertToLine   Converts the current open TopoLineString item into a LineString item.
TopoConvertToPolygon   Converts the current open Polygon item into a topological TopoPolygon item.
TopoCreateArea   Creates a Polygon item from the current open TopoPolygon item.
TopoCreateBoolean   Creates a Named Seed object by doing a Boolean operation on existing TopoPolygon items.
TopoCreateChain   Creates a TopoLineString item from a Named Seed object.
TopoCreateEmptyNamedSeed   Creates a new, empty transient Named Seed object.
TopoCreateLine   Creates a LineString item from the current open TopoLineString item.
TopoCreateLink   Creates a topological Link item, copying the geometry from the current open LineString item.
TopoCreateNamedSeed   Creates a transient Named Seed object from the current open seed item.
TopoCreateNode   Creates a Node item, merging it in to any existing topology.
TopoCreatePoint   Creates a Point item, merging it with any existing topology.
TopoCreatePolygon  Creates a TopoPolygon item from a Named Seed object.
TopoDeleteLink Deletes the current open Link item.
TopoDeleteNamedSeed   Deletes a transient Named Seed object.
TopoDeleteNode   Deletes or simplifies the current open Node item.
TopoDeletePoint Deletes or simplifies the current open Point item.
TopoDeleteSeed   Deletes the current open TopoLineString or TopoPolygon item.
TopoEdgeFill   Creates a Named Seed object by following the current open Link item to make a closed loop.
TopoFindRoute   Creates a Named Seed object by route-finding between two Node items within a dataset.
TopoFloodFill   Creates a Named Seed object by flood-filling Links within a dataset.
TopoGetLinkNode   Gets the id of a Node item from the current open Link item.
TopoGetLinkNumSeed   Gets the number of Seed items attached to the current open Link item.
TopoGetLinkSeed   Gets the signed id of a TopoPolygon or TopoLineString item from the current open Link item.
TopoGetNamedSeedDataset   Gets the dataset with which a Named Seed is compatible.
TopoGetNamedSeedLoopLink   Gets the id of a Link item from a Named Seed object.
TopoGetNamedSeedLoopSize   Gets the number of Links referred to by a loop in a Named Seed object.
TopoGetNamedSeedNumLoop   Gets the number of loops in a Named Seed object.
TopoGetNodeLink   Gets the signed id of a Link item from the current open Node item.
TopoGetNodeNumLink   Gets the number of Link items attached to the current open Node item.
TopoGrowNamedSeed   Adds a Link id into a Named Seed object.
TopoIsChain   Tests if a Named Seed object is a TopoLineString.
TopoIsPolygon   Tests if a Named Seed object is a TopoPolygon.
TopoMoveNode   Moves the current open Node item, dragging any connected Link items.
TopoPolygonsFromLinks   Creates TopoPolygon items from a set of links
TopoReverseSeed   Reverses the current open TopoLineString or TopoPolygon item
TopoSetChainSeedPt   Sets the seed point of a TopoLineString item.
TopoSetLinkPt   Sets the position of a vertex in the current open Link item.
TopoSetPolygonSeedPt   Sets the seed point of a TopoPolygon item.
TopoShrinkNamedSeed   Removes a Link item from a Named Seed object.
TraceGeom   Creates a LineString item by tracing geometry from the current open item.


UpdateCursorItem   Updates the current open item and refreshes the named cursor.
UpdateItem   Updates the current open item, leaving it current.
UpdateObject Updates an object in the current SWD.
UpdateWorkspaceWindow Updates the current SWD in the workspace window.


WCTS Handles OGC Web Coordinate Transformation Service (WCTS) requests.
WFS Handles OGC Web Feature Service (WFS) requests.
WMS Handles OGC Web Map Service (WMS) requests.
WTS Handles OGC Web Terrain Service (WTS) requests.
WndArrangeIcons   Arranges any iconised windows in the main frame window.
WndCascade   Cascades any non-iconised windows in the main frame window.
WndTile   Vertically tiles any non-iconised windows in the main frame window.
WndTileHorizontal   Horizontally tiles any non-iconised windows in the main frame window.


ZoomExtent   Zooms the view to the extents of all of the items in all of the visible, hittable, and editable overlays.
ZoomView   Zooms the current window by a scale factor.