Getting Started with the GeognoSIS HTTP API

By default HTTP API is turned off in new GeognoSIS instances. To enable API services:

1. Open GeognoSIS Manager.

2. Create an instance if required.

3. Open the HTTP API Properties dialog. (Instance > View > Web Services > Cadcorp > HTTP API)

4. Click to view Properties.

5. Switch to the CONFIGURATION tab and check the Enable HTTP API Service tick-box.

6. If needed, you can define security and privileges on the PRIVILEGES tab.

If the API service is enabled without setting privileges, preloaded SWDs can be accessed through HTTP API requests. Please be aware of this if pre-loading sensitive datasets or ensure proper security is enabled.

Once HTTP API is enabled we also recommend turning on GeognoSIS logging. GeognoSIS logs a record all of the requests to the server.

TIP: More information on GeognoSIS logging is available here . Enable Log GeognoSIS session events and Log client requests.