All Cadcorp SIS API Methods

CreateProcessOverlay Method


Creates a new overlay using a process..


Visual Basic
Public Function CreateProcessOverlay( _
   	ByVal oldPos As Integer, _	
	ByVal newPos As Integer, _
	ByVal process As String, _
) As Integer



The overlay position of the input overlay for the Process Dataset


The overlay position of the output overlay for the Process Dataset. If this argument specifies a position in the existing overlays then the new overlay will not replace the existing overlay at the given position, but will shuffle any other overlays down the list. The new overlay is called Process.


The process to run. This can be the name of a saved process or a process definition.

Argument for Process method


The entire string for an individual operation should be placed inside the syntax '{"Operations":[ ]}', i.e. inside the square brackets.

Note: Refer to Processes topic in the HTTP API section of this Help as most of the operations that are applicable to multiple items can be used in the Process method.


Available: GEO DK OD PySis, SISpy

CreateProcessOverlay cannot be used on an internal dataset. (Error 20 (Invalid Dataset) will be raised.)



sis.CreateProcessOverlay(1, 4, '{"Operations":[{"Operation":"Item.Simplify"}]}')

Creates a process overlay in position 4 based on applying the Item.Simplify process to the items in overlay 1.

sis.CreateProcessOverlay(1, 4, '{"Operations":[{"Operation":"Item.Simplify"}]}')

Creates a process overlay in position 5 based on applying the named User-defined process to the items in overlay 2.