
The Process theme applies Processing to items before they are drawn.

Click Home > Add Theme > Operation and select Process.

Click Next to see the Processing Steps window.

Select the required process operation from the appropriate folder in the left hand pane and click the right-arrow button to show the selected process in the right-hand pane.

The parameters associated with the process are then shown in the right-hand lower pane. Enter the value(s) for the process.

Some processes do not require any inputs.

The Draw the original Item - before and after tickboxes control the drawing order in relation to the processed Item.

When this dialog is complete click Finish.

The processing operations are categorised as shown below. Click on the category title, or the individual process, to go to the page containing the process descriptions.


Properties marked with an * in the process descriptions are mandatory.

The Process Theme can only use operations that take a single Item in, and pass a single Item out. They also cannot use operations that have an Overlay as a parameter, for example the Geometry 'Clip' operations.


Copy Copies an existing Item


Create box Creates a rectangular Polygon, around a centre point
Create ellipse Creates an elliptical Polygon
Create from WKB Creates an Item from OGC Well-known Binary
Create from WKT Creates an Item from OGC Well-known Text
Create line (bearing/distance) Creates a LineString from a bearing and distance
Create point Creates a Point Item
Create sector (bearing/angle) Creates a sector Polygon from a bearing and angle.
Create sector (start/end) Creates a sector Polygon from a start and end angle


'Dig' shape Gets the 'dig' shape (a concave hull) of an Item using Park/Ho's algorithm
Alpha shape Gets the Alpha shape (a concave hull) of an Item, using Edelsbrunner's algorithm
Boundary Gets the boundary of an Item.
Chi shape Gets the Chi shape (a concave hull) of an Item, using Duckham's algorithm
Close Closes any open geometry, joining the end to the start
Convex hull Creates a convex hull Polygon around an Item
Ensure anti-clockwise Reverses the geometry of polygonal Items with coordinates specified clockwise, making them anti-clockwise instead. Other Items are left alone.
Envelope Creates an envelope Polygon around the extents of an Item
Facet Facets curved geometry segments into a straight geometry
Fill Fills the boundary of an Item
Move Moves an Item in X and/or Y and/or Z
OOBB (aligned) Creates an object orientated bounding box (OOBB) Polygon around an Item, aligned to the 'dominant' angle of the Item geometry
OOBB (minimum) Creates the minimum (smallest area) object orientated bounding box (OOBB) Polygon around an Item
Remove interior loops Removes interior loops (holes and islands) from Polygons, leaving only exterior loops
Reverse geometry Reverses the geometry of an Item
Rotate Rotates the geometry of an Item about a hook point
Scale Scales the geometry of an Item about a hook point
Smooth (mid-points) Smoothes the geometry of an Item, keeping segment mid-points fixed
Smooth (vertices) Smoothes the geometry of an Item, keeping vertices fixed
Strip geometry Strips the geometry of an Item, leaving an Empty Item


(Douglas-Peucker N)
Generalises geometry using a variation of the Douglas-Peucker algorithm that is limited by the number of output points
Generalises geometry using the Douglas-Peucker algorithm
(Perpendicular Distance)
Generalises geometry using the Perpendicular Distance algorithm
(Radial Distance)
Generalises geometry using the Radial Distance algorithm
Generalises geometry using the Reumann-Witkam algorithm
Remove self-intersections Removes self-intersections, e.g. a bow-tie
Remove short segments Removes segments shorter than a tolerance
Remove spikes Removes vertices that cause a spike
Remove straight segments Removes vertices between straight, or near straight segments.
Simplify Simplifies the geometry of an item, so that it matches the OGC 'simple' form


Remove all attributes Removes all attributes from an Item
Remove attribute Removes an attribute from an Item
Set property Sets a property on an Item
Set styles Sets styling information on an Item
Strip styles Strips all styling information from an Item. Returns Brush, Pen and Symbol Items to "By Overlay"


Buffer Creates a buffer around an Item
Buffer (doughnut) Creates a buffer around the boundary of a Polygon
Buffer (inside) Creates a buffer around the boundary of a Polygon that only contains the parts that are inside the Polygon
Buffer (interior) Creates a buffer inside a Polygon that excludes the parts of a doughnut buffer around the boundary of the Polygon
Buffer (outside) Creates a buffer around the boundary of a Polygon that only contains the parts that are outside the Polygon
Geodetic buffer Creates a 'geodetic' buffer around an Item
QZone buffer Creates a QZone buffer around an Item


Create Displacement Creates a Displacement Item, for use in rubber-sheeting


Compress Compresses a bitmap
Convert to grayscale Converts a colour bitmap to a grayscale bitmap
Convert to sepia Converts a colour bitmap to a sepia bitmap
Crop Crops a bitmap


Create Terrain Ruggedness Index Creates a Terrain Ruggedness Index map
Create Topographic Position Index Creates a Topographic Position Index map
Create aspect Creates an Aspect map
Create hillshade Creates a shaded relief map from a Grid
Create roughness Creates a Roughness map
Create slope Creates a Slope map
Getis-Ord GI* (Z score) Finds the locations and extents of point clusters in two-dimensional space.
Getis-Ord GI* (p-value) Finds the locations and extents of point clusters in two-dimensional space.
Grid * Number  
Grid + Number  
Grid - Number  
Grid / Number  
Max(Grid, Number)  
Min(Grid, Number)  
Number - Grid  
Number / Grid  
Set cell value Sets the value of all Grid cells that match a comparison against the 'from' value to the 'to' value
Set grid pixel type Sets the grid pixel type (bit depth) of an image.
Transform Grid  


MapQuest Open Connects to the MapQuest Open Geocoding service
Microsoft Bing Maps Connects to the Microsoft Bing Maps geocoding service
OS (GB) Code-Point Open Searches OS (GB) Code-Point Open data, by postcode
OS (GB) National Grid Reference Matches search strings against OS (GB) National Grid References
OS (GB) National Grid Reference (Jersey) Matches search strings against OS (GB) National Grid References for Jersey


Remove all attributes Removes all attributes from an Item
Strip styles Strips all styling information from an Item

Filter, Scale and Legend buttons

Click here for a description of the functions of these three buttons.