All Cadcorp SIS API Methods

PlaceGroup Method


Places the current open Group item at a given position, leaving it open.


Visual Basic
Public Function PlaceGroup( _
   ByVal x As Double, _
   ByVal y As Double, _
   ByVal z As Double _
) As Integer


The x coordinate position at which to place the new Group item.
The y coordinate position at which to place the new Group item.
The z coordinate position at which to place the new Group item.


Graphics created after CreateGroup will be drawn using the cursor as (0.0,0.0,0.0).

If CloseItem, Release or UpdateItem is called, the graphics will be locked to the cursor for the user to place with two screen snaps (position + alignment).

Calling this method before CloseItem, Release or UpdateItem will explicitly position the graphics at the given position. The new Group item is left open and will therefore continue to have any new graphics added to it.

If the group was given the empty string as its type when created, then it will be automatically exploded when it is placed, leaving the component items ungrouped.

Available: GEO D OD OM SISpy



sis.PlaceGroup (100, 90, 50)