
Search Launches the Cadcorp Gazetteer Search Add-in, to search user-configured gazetteers.
GEOnet Names Server Uses the GEOnet Names Server (GNS), from the National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA).
National Street Gazetteer Searches a National Street Gazetteer file.
OGC Gazetteer Acts as an OGC Gazetteer Service client, downloading location information over the internet from an OGC Gazetteer Service.
OS (GB) 1:50K Gazetteers from an Ordnance Survey (GB) 1:50,000 Gazetteer file.
OS (GB) Locator Gazetteers from an Ordnance Survey (GB) Locator Gazetteer file.
World Cities Contains locations of 2000 cities and small countries throughout the world.