
Append Line draws a line and appends it to a selected LineString item; this means the new LineString item and the old LineString item become a single LineString item.

The new LineString will begin where the original LineString item finishes; you can keep adding new points to draw to.

TIP: This command can be used with LineString items constructed using LineStringBezier, Arc Angle or Centre, Point.


  1. Select the existing LineString item.
  2. Select CAD > Alter > Append Line (or select Append Line from the Map Window menu).
  3. You will see a line rubberbanding from one end (whichever was the last position drawn to) of the selected LineString item:

    To append to the other end of the LineString item, first reverse it using Reverse (Edit > Geometry).
  4. Keep on adding points to draw the LineString item as normal.