What is a Dataset?

Cadcorp SIS Desktop datasets come in a variety of guises:

Dataset files

Cadcorp SIS Desktop understands many different file formats, e.g. Cadcorp Base Dataset (BDS) and OS (GB) Land-Line 1:1250, 1:2500, 1:10000 files, all of which can be used immediately without translation. These files can be shared by many users because the overlay points to the file and does not copy its contents.

If you want to add your own graphics, you will normally place the information in a Cadcorp Base Dataset (BDS) or Cadcorp Feature Database (FDB), these are Cadcorp SIS Desktop proprietary formats.

Cadcorp VARs can write their own Plug-in Datasets for file formats not supported in the core Cadcorp SIS Desktop.


Cadcorp SIS Desktop supports data stored in databases with defined spatial object types, specifically SQL Server 2008, PostGIS and Oracle 9i and above.

Cadcorp SIS Desktop can also view database tables which contain columns which represent X and Y (and optionally Z) coordinates using the View Points dataset. Cadcorp SIS Desktop can also use database tables as storage for graphical items using the Cadcorp OGC SQL92 Database and Cadcorp View Geometry datasets.

Only 32-bit SIS Desktop 9 and Cadcorp GeognoSIS support the use of Oracle with the following database dataset types:

  • Cadcorp View Geometry
  • View Points
  • OGC SQL92 Dataset

64-bit Cadcorp SIS Desktop and Cadcorp GeognoSIS Desktop 9 do not support these database dataset types in Oracle.

Cadcorp VARs can write their own Plug-in Data Sources for database and other non-file datasets not supported in the core SIS Desktop 9.

Index datasets

Cadcorp SIS Desktop can view a seamless map base consisting of thousands of individual datasets which tile together using an Index Dataset.