Embedding a map into any web page

Cadcorp SIS WebMap allows you to embed mapping and controls into web pages.

  1. Create the Map you wish to embed using the WebMap Admin Interface. Ensure the Allow Embedded Map option is enabled.
  2. WebMap includes a sample embedded map page index.html; this is included with your installation files. You can usually find it here: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\SISWebMap\EmbeddedMapSample
  3. For a preview of the file, double-click to open in a browser.
  1. To change the instance of WebMap used for the embedded map open index.html in any code editor of your choice. Navigate to line 23 and change the specifications.
<script src="http://YOURSERVER/YOURWEBSITE/GetMap.axd?controlTag=MapPlaceholderTag&x=530284
&y=179551&resolution=1.2&showsymbol=true&controls=panzoom" type="text/javascript"></script>  

YOURSERVER : Computer your website is being served from.

YOURWEBSITE : website name for WebMap

The completed URL should point to the WebMap IIS application folder e.g https://ws.cadcorp.com/webmap/GetMap.axd?

Note: The Cadcorp SIS WebMap installer will automatically add this information but it is worth checking if you are unable to see the embedded map.

This will display the map at the top of the web page.