
The status of an overlay determines whether you can view, change or edit that particular overlay.

To specify a status, either:

  • right-click on the overlay name in the Maps Control Bar, select Status and click the required status:
  • OR
  • select the required status in the Status drop-down menu under Home > Overlays > General.

SIS Desktop 9.1 has four overlay status options.

  • Editable: Full access to add, modify and delete information. Some datasets only permit one user to have editable status at a time and some dataset types do not permit editable status at all.
  • Hittable: The ability to snap the cursor onto graphics to measure, query, trace and copy data. Data cannot be moved, deleted or added.
  • Visible: Graphics appear on screen but cannot be queried (snapped to). The image is purely a background.
  • Invisible: No graphics appear on screen. This is useful for temporarily excluding information from the view.  
  • Basemap: Makes the overlay Visible only.