
Add-Ins are programs designed to enhance the functionality of Cadcorp SIS Desktop 9.1. All installed add-ins are displayed in the Applications tab. Related Topics Link IconRelated Topics

If a number of these add-ins are installed, the Applications tab can become very crowded.

To prevent this, create Profiles. This means only Add-Ins pertinent to a particular Profile are shown.

Adding a Profile to an existing SIS Desktop 9.1 installation

Profiles can be added to an existing Cadcorp SIS Desktop 9.1 installation or created during the installation procedure.

Create a subfolder (or set of subfolders) in the 'Custom' folder. The Custom folder is typically located in:

C:\Program Files\Cadcorp SIS Desktop 9.1\Custom

For example a customer with the following User Profiles:

  • General
  • Crime
  • Housing
  • Reproduction

can have the following Add-Ins installed with SIS Desktop 9.1.

  • Advanced Boolean
  • Book Plotter
  • Crime Analysis Suite
  • Housing Toolkit
  • Routing Tools
  • Print Workshop

In this case create three subfolders within the Custom folder:

  • Crime
  • Housing
  • Reproduction

Move and copy the shortcuts in the Custom folder as follows:

  • General users want the Routing Tools Add-In, so leave the Routing Tools shortcut under Custom.
  • Crime users also want the Routing Tools Add-In, so copy the Routing Tools shortcut to the Crime subfolder. They also want Advanced Boolean and Crime Analysis Suite so move these two shortcuts to the Crime subfolder.
  • Housing users also want Routing Tools, so copy the shortcut to the Housing subfolder. This group also needs Housing Toolkit, so move this shortcut to the Housing subfolder.
  • Reproduction users want Book Plotter and Print Workshop, so move these shortcuts to the Reproduction subfolder.

The following table shows the new shortcut arrangement:

Custom Subfolder and content Amended SIS 9.1 Icon Shortcut Properties

Custom folder

Routing Tools

Crime subfolder

  • Routing Tools
  • Advanced Boolean
  • Crime Analysis Suite

"C:\Program Files\Cadcorp SIS 9.1\Cadcorp.SIS.loader.exe"(space)Cadcorp.SIS.exe(space)



Housing subfolder
  • Routing Tools
  • Housing Toolkit

"C:\Program Files\Cadcorp SIS 9.1\Cadcorp.SIS.loader.exe"(space)Cadcorp.SIS.exe(space)



Reproduction subfolder
  • Book Plotter
  • Print Workshop

"C:\Program Files\Cadcorp SIS 9.1\Cadcorp.SIS.loader.exe"(space)Cadcorp.SIS.exe(space)



The third column in the above table shows the amendment required for the SIS Icon Shortcut Properties, as follows:

In the SIS Icon Shortcut Properties in the Target text box add (space)--Profile:[subfolder name] to the end of the text and click Apply.


  • Where dashes appear in the command line these are two single dashes.
  • There is a single space between --Product:MapModeller and --Profile: preceding the name of the subfolder, for example:

--Product:MapModeller --Profile:Housing

Using this example the amended SIS Icon Shortcut Properties Target entry for the Housing users will be:

"C:\Program Files\Cadcorp SIS Desktop 9.1\Cadcorp.SIS.Loader.exe" --Profile:Housing

where (space)--Profile:Housing has been added.

Starting SIS Desktop 9.1 from this shortcut will now only show the Add-Ins corresponding to the specific User Profile. For example using --Profile:Housing will only show the Routing Tools and Housing Toolkit Add-Ins.

Adding a Profile at Cadcorp SIS Desktop 9.1 installation

During SIS Desktop 9.1 installation, you will see this screen:

Click Change in the Advanced Shortcut Options.

Navigate to Add-In Folder.

Use the Browse button to select your Custom subfolder (e.g. Housing).

Continue with installation.

On completion, examine the SIS Icon Shortcut Properties. You will see:

"C:\Program Files\Cadcorp SIS 9.1\Cadcorp.SIS.Loader.exe" 
Cadcorp.SIS.exe –profile:C:\Program Files (x86)\Cadcorp SIS 9.1\ Custom\Housing\ --Country:*

Delete the underlined portion of the line and add:


The line should now be:

"C:\Program Files\Cadcorp SIS 9.1\Cadcorp.SIS.Loader.exe" Cadcorp.SIS.exe --Profile:Housing

Starting SIS Desktop 9.1 from this shortcut will only show the Add-Ins corresponding to the specific User Profile.

For example using a shortcut with --Profile:Housing at the end of the target will only show the Routing Tools and Housing Toolkit Add-Ins.

Repeat this procedure for the Crime and Reproduction profiles.