Overlay Properties

This topic shows the complete list of Overlay properties and their values.

Also see:

Derived Properties

Point Item Properties

Polygon Item Properties

LineString Item Properties


Property Descriptions

  • 'At' time expression: _at@
    An expression can be typed or the Expression Builder dialog can be displayed.

  • 3D Brush Transparency: AOglBrushTransparency&
    Sets the 3D Window Brushes transparency. Values in the range 0 (fully opaque) to 100 (fully transparent).

  • Alpha: _overlayAlpha&
    Controls Overlay-wide transparency, useful when overlapping Polygons or thick Pens must have the same transparency. See Styles-Blending/Compositing - Transparency.

  • Basemap: _bBasemap&
    Should the overlay status be Basemap. See Basemap (Overlay Status).

  • Blend mode: _compositingMode&
    Controls how the graphics (vectors and raster) in this Overlay are blended with Overlays already drawn. Values in the range 0 to 35. See Styles-Blending/Compositing - Mode.

  • Bold: _text_bold&
    Is the text drawn bold? True/False.

  • Box: _text_box&
    Should a box be drawn around Box Text characters? True/False.

  • Brush: _brush$
    The Brush used to cover any Polygon covered by the Item.

  • Brush alpha: _brushAlpha&
    The brush transparency. Values in the range 0 (fully opaque) to 255 (fully transparent).

  • Brush alpha override: _brushAlphaOverride&
    Selects or deselects the brush transparency. True/False.

  • Brush override: _brushOverride&
    Force all item brushes, not just items whose brush is By Overlay. True/False.

  • Colour: _colour$
    Sets the colour to which all pens in the overlay will be forced. Note: This property only takes effect if the Colour override (_bColourOverride&) property is set to True.

  • Colour override: _bColourOverride&
    Makes the Colour (_colour$) property active when set to True. True/False.

  • Cull mode: _cullMode&
    Controls how polygons in this Overlay are drawn in the 3D window. Possible drop-down values are None, Front or Back.

  • Custom icon: _icon$
    A custom icon to use in place of the standard icon, stored as JSON containing Base64-encoded PNG data URIs. Click the ellipsis button to open the JSON window.

  • Dataset: _nDataset&

  • End time expression: _to@
    For temporal datasets the end time can be entered or click the ellipsis to display the Expression Builder

  • External: _bExternal&
    External datasets will show as "True", internal datasets will show as "False".

  • Font: _font$
    The True Type (tm) font used to draw the text.

  • Font override: _bFontOverride&
    Overrides the font setting. True/False.

  • Force anti-clockwise polygons: _bEnsureCCW&
    Forces the polygon to draw counter-clockwise. This is visual only the polygon property _bClockwise& remains unchanged.

  • Icon: _nIcon&
    The number of the overlay icon. The standard overlay icon is 2.

  • Italic: _text_italic&
    Is the text drawn italic?

  • Maximum scale: _scalemax#
    The highest reproduction scale at which an Item will be drawn. If you set this value to 1000, and then zoom out to 1:2000 the Item will become invisible.

  • Minimum scale: _scalemin#
    The lowest reproduction scale at which an Item will be drawn. If you set this value to 100, and then zoom out to 1:50 the Item will become invisible.

  • Name: _name$
    The overlay name.

  • Non-printable: _bNonPrintable&
    Should the overlay be skipped when printing? True/False.

  • Notes: _notes$
    Shows any notes added to the overlay. Click the ellipsis button to display the Notes window for editing.

  • Number of themes: _nTheme&
    Shows the number of themes on the overlay.

  • Opaque: _text_opaque&
    Should text be drawn with an opaque background? True/False

  • Outline: _text_outline&
    Should the text be drawn with an outline. True/False.

  • Pen: _pen$
    The Pen used to draw the Item.

  • Pen alpha: _penAlpha$
    The pen transparency. Values in the range 0 (fully opaque) to 255 (fully transparent).

  • Pen alpha override: _bPenAlphaOverride&
    Selects or deselects the pen transparency. True/False.

  • Pen override: _bPenOverride&
    Force all item pens, not just items whose pen is By Overlay. True/False.

  • Point scale override: _pointScaleOverride#
    A value of -1 (minus one) will display the symbol at its true size. A value of -0.5 will display the symbol at half its true size. See Symbol - Fixing the Symbol size for an explanation of symbol sizing.

  • Raster Transparency: _rasterAlphaTransparency&
    Controls the transparency of the selected bitmap. Values in the range 0 (fully opaque) to 255 (fully transparent). See Bitmap Images and Transparency.

  • Raster Transparent Colour: _rasterTransparentColour$
    The RGB value of the image colour to become transparent.This could be the RGB value of any colour in the image, ie the RGB value for white is 255 255 255. See Bitmap Images and Transparency.

  • Report: _report$
    A report on the object, eg file name, load time, etc. Click the ellipsis button to show the JSON window.

  • Rule-based drawing: _ruleBasedDrawing&
    Rule-based drawing can be used where compatible Themes (Individual Value, Ranges and Classification) provide one "rule" per Theme component, each of which is a combination of a filter and styles. The rules are then drawn in the order that they appear in the Theme. This allows, among other things, control over drawing order, and the ability to draw the same Item twice with different styles, eg a solid Polygon fill followed by a class-specific hatch pattern. True/False.

  • Scale: _scale#
    Overrides the scale of the overlay's dataset.

  • Scale override: _bScaleOverride&
    Use the specified scale for all graphics in the overlay. This will affect the appearance of symbols, fonts and thick pens.

  • Sprites: _bSprites&
    A "sprite" overlay is used to display an item, or items, considered to be sprites on their own separate overlay. The "sprite" overlay will be skipped during rendering, and then drawn independently of the other overlays so that the sprite positions can be continuously updated. To set a "sprite" overlay set to True.

  • Start time expression: _from@
    For temporal datasets the start time can be entered or click the ellipsis to display the Expression Builder

  • Status: _status&
    Sets the overlay status; Invisible, Visible, Hittable, Editable.

  • Symbol: _shape$
    The symbol used to draw the point item.

  • Symbol override: _bShapeOverride&
    Force all symbols, not just items whose symbol is By Overlay. True/False.

  • Temporal mode: _nTemporal&
    Controls how the temporal expressions are used for filtering. None (Items do not have time values), Instant (Each Item has a single time value, ie an instant in time), Period (Each Item has two time values, ie a period of time). See Temporal Control Bar.

  • Text fill (brush): _textFillBrush$
    The Brush used to fill the text letters.

  • Text fill brush override: _btextFillBrushOverride&
    Force all text fill brushes, not just items whose text outline brush is By Overlay. True/False.

  • Text outline (pen): _textOutlinePen$
    The pen used to outline the text letters.

  • Text outline pen override: _bTextOutlinePenOverride&
    Force all text outline pens, not just items whose text outline pen is By Overlay. True/False.

  • Text style override: _bTextStyleOverride&
    Force all text styles, not just items whose text style is By Overlay. True/False.

  • Theme titles: _themes$
    The titles of the overlay themes.

  • Underlined: _text_underlined&
    Is the text drawn underlined?

  • Use Item scale thresholds: _bUseItemScaleThresholds&
    Should Item scale thresholds be respected when Overlay scale thresholds are specified? True/False.

  • pointParticleSize: _pointParticleSize#