
A LineText item is a MultiLineString of text placed along a straight or curved polyline.

The text may optionally be evenly spaced along the full length of the line. The text may be displayed with or without the line itself being shown.

The text can contain the same special fields that are recognised by Text items.


  • Closed: _closed&
    Does the geometry of the item form a closed loop?

  • Draw line: _draw_line&
    Is the justification line of a LineText item drawn?

  • Even spacing: _even_spacing&
    Should letters in LineText be evenly spaced along the line?

  • Geometry class: _classGeom$
    The C++ class used to store an item's geometry. This is handled automatically. You can see what precision an item's geometry is stored with by recognising the geometry classes.

  • Number of lines: _lines&
    The number of lines of text. Single-line text will report one line.

  • Number of vertices: _np&
    The number of vertices in the item's geometry.

  • Text: _text$
    The textual content of the item. If the item contains multi-line text then the Properties Control Bar will show the lines separated by Carriage Return/Line Feed characters.

See also Item Properties