Cadcorp Item Database (*.idb)

Cadcorp Item Database (*.idb) is a database file type.

You usually select one of three available file types when working with overlays. See also Create New File.

In the .idb format, all edits are immediate. If you change data but don’t save the SWD the changes will still be seen in the idb file.

Enter the file name in the File Name box and click Next to open the Item Database Dataset Details dialog. Follow the same options as for FDB files.

Note: Cadcorp Item Database (*.idb) supports transactions.

Click on Begin to start a transaction. Click Finish and begin editing the data. After the edits are finished redisplay the Cursor Dataset Details dialog to see two active options:

Rollback: This will release the transaction and allow other users to obtain editable access to the data. The changes you made will not be applied to the dataset.

Note: Regenerating an overlay whilst in the middle of a transaction causes the transaction to rollback. In addition all undo information for the overlay will be cleared.

Commit: This will commit the changes permanently to the database and release the transaction. All users will now be able to view the data.

Only allow editing inside a Transaction: Check this tickbox to ensure no edits can be made outside of the current transaction.

This tickbox can be checked by the GIS Manager to provide an extra layer of protection against any inadvertent changes being made outside the current transaction.

The More Properties button displays a dialog showing the Coordinate Reference System, Feature Table and Scale associated with the dataset. The Properties button in this dialog will give a complete list of the properties for the dataset

Alternatively the three Transaction commands; Begin, Commit and Rollback may also be accessed like this:

Click Finish when complete.