Rubber Sheeting (What’s New)

In SIS Desktop 9.0 the UI has changed significantly; Rubber-sheeting is now housed within the Processing framework instead of as a series of related commands.

In SIS 8.0 and previous versions, only Bitmap Items could be used in raster rubber-sheeting.

In SIS Desktop 9.1 however, additional rubber-sheeting operations have been added that can operate on any raster Item.

Note: The original operations have also been retained (for a certain amount of backwards compatibility). For help with these operations, contact Cadcorp Technical Support.

There are now three categories of rubber-sheeting operations:

  1. Backwards compatible (operating on Bitmap or Grid Items)
  2. New (Operating on any raster Item)
  3. Backwards compatible (Operating on vector Items, eg LineString-s and Polygons)

To rubber-sheet any raster Item, use either the Rubber-sheet Raster (Polynomial) or the Rubber-sheet Raster (Thin Plate Spline) operations.

For Bitmap or Grid Items, you can use the (simpler) Rubber-sheet Bitmap (Fitted Linear), Rubber-sheet Bitmap (Inverse Square Weighted) or Rubber-sheet Bitmap (Linear Patch) operations.

For more on each option see individual entries on the Process topic.