Oracle Spatial

Exports data to an Oracle Spatial database using the Object-Relational schema.

The standard Oracle database (Locator) can support the storing of spatial geometries using the Oracle SDO data type which is OGC compliant for the OpenGIS Simple Features Specification.

Oracle also conforms to OGC Coordinate transformations. SIS Desktop 9.1 supports exporting of OGC simple features directly into Oracle databases. SIS Desktop 9.1 can also create new columns and index columns directly in the database.

Only Oracle Locator is required to store spatial vector data in Oracle using SIS Desktop. Oracle Spatial is only required to make used of advanced functionalities such as GeoRaster and Network Model.

This is a cursor dataset.

Arguments to Export API Method

  • clsExport$



  • Cadcorp SIS Desktop
  • Cadcorp SIS ActiveX Modeller
  • Cadcorp SIS ActiveX Manager
  • Cadcorp SIS ActiveX Viewer
  • Cadcorp GeognoSIS