Labels Theme - Properties

A Theme which annotates themed items by drawing a text label at the item origin.

If you want to move the labels, then you can explode the Theme, which will make the labels editable.

Click here for Labels Theme description.

Theme Properties

Theme Properties

  • Alignment expression: _alignmentFormula$
    The expression used to set the alignment of items shapes/text on the Theme.

  • Alignment priorites: _alignmentPriorities$
    Sets the priority of label alignment.

  • Bold: _text_bold&
    Should the text be drawn bold?

  • Box: _text_box&
    Should a box be drawn around Box Text characters?

  • Brush: _brush$
    The Brush used for the text backdrop, if the text is opaque.

  • Character: _wrap$
    Allow labels to wrap at a specified character. Accepts any single Unicode character, for example \t works in Python, but not in VB.Net.

  • Character Spacing: _character_spacing#
    Allow character spacing to be adjusted in the decimal range 1 to 10.

  • Class: _classTheme$
    The class of the Theme.

  • Description: _DESC$
    A textual description of the object.

  • Disabled: _bDisabled&
    Should Theme graphics be hidden?

  • Filter: _filter$
    Optional filter name, used to control which items are displayed in the map window.

  • Fixed height: _bFixed&
    Is the text in a Labels Theme, or are the Symbol objects in a Topology Theme a fixed height on screen?

  • Flip inverted text: _bFlipInvertedText&
    Should text which is upside down be inverted? True/False.

  • Font: _font$
    The font used for the legend/label text.

  • 'Greek' labels: _bGreeking&
    Should labels that are larger than the item being labelled be skipped? True/False.

  • Height expression: _heightFormula$
    Expression to calculate a height value for the Theme.

  • Hide duplicates: _bHideDuplicate&
    Should duplicate label strings be skipped? True/False.

  • Hide overlapping: _bHideOverlap&
    Should overlapping labels be skipped?

  • Horizontal alignment: _text_alignH&
    The horizontal alignment of the label text about the origin of the labelled item.
    Valid values are:

  • Italic: _text_italic&
    Should the legend/label text be drawn italicised?

  • Label multiple parts: _bMulti&
    Should each part of multi-part item be labelled? True/False.

  • Label offset: _offset&
    Offset used by Labels Theme in text points.

  • Label placement: _placement&
    Placement option for labelling items with line geometry.

    Valid values are:
SIS_LABEL_START Place labels at the start
SIS_LABEL_MIDDLE Place labels at the middle
SIS_LABEL_END Place labels at the end
SIS_LABEL_ALONG Place labels along the line geometry, i.e. like LineText

When the SIS_LABEL_ALONG is selected and all of the label text fits onto the line, then the label text will be justified according to the label text horizontal justification, e.g. at the start for SIS_ALIGN_LEFT, and the end for SIS_ALIGN_RIGHT. If the text does not fit then the label text will be placed according to the label text horizontal justification (see before).

  • Length: _wrapLength$
    Labels can be automatically wrapped at a specified character, at a fixed length (in characters).

  • Line spacing: _line_spacing#
    The line spacing used for multi-line text.

  • Markup: _text_markup&
    If this value is True Markup is on.
    If this value is False Markup is off.

  • Maximum angle: _maxAngleDeg#
    The maximum angle between consecutive characters when labelling along linear geometry.

  • Maximum scale: _scalemax#
    The highest reproduction scale at which Theme annotation graphics will be drawn. If you set this value to 1000, and then zoom out to 1:2000 the Theme annotation will become invisible.

  • Minimum scale: _scalemin#
    The lowest reproduction scale at which Theme annotation graphics will be drawn. If you set this value to 100, and then zoom out to 1:50 the Theme annotation will become invisible.

  • Move to output: _bMoveToOutput&
    Should LineString labels be forced to display within visible screen boundaries (also applies to other outputs, printer, pdf, etc.).

  • Movement: _movement&
    Resolve overlaps of overlapping labels.

    Valid values are:

    None (skip all overlays = 0
    Automatic = 1
    Horizontally only = 2
    Vertically only = 3
    Horizontally, then vertically = 4
    Vertically, then horizontally = 5
    Custom = 6

  • Opaque: _text_opaque&
    Should the legend/label text be drawn opaque?

    If this value is True for legend text then the legend will draw with a surrounding box drawn with the legend Pen, and filled with the legend Brush.

    If this value is True for label text then the labels will appear with a filled background, drawn using the label Brush.

  • Orientation expression: _rotationFormula$
    Expression to control the rotation angle for the Theme.

  • Outline: _text_outline&
    The Theme's text outline.

  • Padding: _buffer&
    Sets a buffer to be used in overlap calculations.

  • Pen: _pen$
    The Pen used to draw the label text.

  • Point height: _point_height&
    The point height of the label text.

  • Rotate labels: _bRotate&
    Should labels be rotated to match items?

  • Text fill (Brush): _textFillBrush
    The Brush used for the label text fill.

  • Text outline (pen): _textOutlinePen$
    The Pen used to draw the label text outline.

  • Title: _title$
    The Theme title.

  • Underlined: _text_underlined&
    Should the legend/label text be drawn underlined?

  • Use Item styles: _bUseItemStyles&
    A boolean value indicating whether items use their individual item styles.

  • Vertical alignment: _text_alignV&
    The vertical alignment of the label text about the origin of the labelled item.

    Valid values are:


  • X offset expression: _dxFormula$
    This property can only be set programmatically, for example


  • Y offset expression: _dyFormula$
    This property can only be set programmatically, for example: 
