Embedding a map into a web page

Cadcorp SIS WebMap 9.1 allows you to embed mapping and controls into web pages.

  1. Create a new map using the WebMap Manager Interface.
  2. Enable Allow Map as Embedded.
  3. Under Site Settings enable Allow all CORS.
  4. WebMap is shipped with a sample embedded map page index.html and is available here: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\siswebmap9.1\wwwroot\embedded_sample
  5. For a preview of the file, double-click to open in a browser.
  1. To change the instance of WebMap used for the embedded map open index.html in any code editor of your choice. Navigate to line 9 and change the specifications.

SERVERNAME : Computer your website is being served from.

ROOT : Root URL or website name for WebMap.

The completed URL should point to the WebMap IIS application folder
(e.g. https://ws.cadcorp.com/webmap/Embedded/Map~)ON

To embed a map on a page on a different server to that hosting SIS WebMap 9.1, use the same method as above; simply change the src value to point to the correct WebMap server.