WMS Layer

In Webmap manager click Configuration > Layers > Add Overlay on the map.

Select WMS from the drop-down menu and enter a descriptive name.

Click Save.

Field Description
Name An appropriate name that is descriptive of the layer.
Opacity Increase or decrease the opacity.
Visible Enable to make the layer visible in My Data. Related Topics Link IconRelated Topics
Cross Origin CORS service handled by GeognoSIS.
Base Map Enable to treat this layer as a Base Map. Else all layers added are automatically assumed to be data layers.
Use Authentication Enable to force map user to use authentication. This can be in the form of an API key or username/password credentials.
API Key Enter API Key.
API Key Parameter Name Enter easily identifiable API Key parameter name.
URL URL to the service array Related Topics Link IconRelated Topics
Display Projection Choose from a supplied list of SRID numbers to determine the data’s projection. More SRID numbers can be added from the CRS options.
Extent Min X and Min Y Minimum bounding extent on X and Y axes for layer rendering.
Extent Max X and Max Y Maximum bounding extent on X and Y axes for layer rendering.
Params Add additional WMS parameters if needed.
Gutter Gutter is a buffer zone around the requested map image. Specified in pixels and is used to ensure that labels, symbols, or other features near the edge of the map image are fully displayed without being cut off.
Logo Image or icon displayed in the corner of a map to identify its source or provider. WMS allows users to include logos or attribution information alongside the map images they serve, providing credit to the data source or service provider.
Abstract Text entered here will appear as metadata next to the layer on your Cadcorp SIS WebMap 9.1 site.
Metadata ID Typically refers to a metadata identifier. In the context of WMS, it can be used to uniquely identify a specific map layer or a collection of layers. Metadata in WMS provides information about the map layers such as title, abstract, bounding box, and more.
Version Automatically populated when you select a layer using Get info from capabilities, otherwise add this manually.
Exception Format The format in which an exception is returned. It can be set to INIMAGE where the exception message is displayed in the image or BLANK so that no image is returned.
Preload Load low-resolution tiles upto preloaded levels
Use interim tiles on error Enable this option to allows WebMap to use an interim (lower resolution) tile if the current tile has an error (e.g. it does not exist). This provides a better visual experience when tiles are not present on the server.
Tile Width Data requests from GeognoSIS are returned in tiles. Use this option to control the tile width (measured in number of pixels). It is set to 256 as default.

Tile Height

Datasets from GeognoSIS are returned in tiles. Use this option to control the tile height (measured in number of pixels). It is set to 256 as default.

Origin X X Coordinates of origin.
Origin Y Y coordinates of origin.