
Stamen maps are uniquely styled maps for use with OpenStreetMap data. You can use high contrast toner maps, terrain or watercolour maps.

In Webmap manager click Configuration > Layers > Add Overlay on the map.

Select Stamen from the drop-down menu and enter a descriptive name.

Click Save.

Field Description
Name Enter a Name to appear in the More Mapping dialog.
Stamen Map Select the type of Stamen map from the drop-down list.
Opacity Increase or decrease the opacity of the layer.
Visible Tick this checkbox for data to appear on the map and in the Map Features dialog.
Cross Origin Tick this option to allow Cross Origin Resource requests (CORS service), for example if the SWD is referencing an external database or using web services to access data
Base Map All layers added are assumed to be a data layer unless this box is ticked.
Copyright Statement Use to customise any copyright information to display on layer. Related Topics Link IconRelated Topics
Display Projection A predefined list of SRID numbers that specifies the projection the data will be drawn in. NOTE: More SRID numbers can be added from the CRS options.
Extent Min X and Min Y Minimum bounding extent on X axis for layer rendering. i.e. bottom left hand corner of a rectangle outside of which data will not be rendered.
Extent Max X and Max Y Maximum bounding extent on Y axis for layer rendering i.e. top right hand corner of a rectangle outside of which data will not be rendered.