Divide Distance


Ribbon Group:


Associated Commands:


 Divide Distance constructs divisions (parallel LineString items of any length) at equal distances between two points.

On selecting the command, the Number of divisions dialog will prompt you to enter a number of divisions.

To divide a 250 metre x 400 metre rectangle into 25 metre divisions, you would enter 10 (divisions).

You should then snap a position on one corner of the rectangle. You will see a set of division lines spanning between the point given and the cursor. The spacing between the divisions expands and contracts as you move the cursor. Snapping a second position on the adjacent corner of the rectangle fixes this spacing. Notice that as you move the cursor, the division lines lengthen and shorten. Snap to a position anywhere along the edge of the rectangle to fix one end of the division lines, and snap a second position anywhere along the opposite edge.

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