Export to multiple tiles creates tiles of the current view, which are saved in a single folder. You may create tiles in various sizes, and in various formats.
The Export Tiles dialog will be displayed:
Tile naming convention
The naming convention to use for the exported tiles. Use the ... button to set-up the chosen tile naming convention, for example when using OS (GB) BaseData GB the following dialog will be displayed:
Note: Different displays will be shown for other naming conventions.
Select the type of file to be created: bds, bmp, gif, jpg, png, tif or wmf.
Select export folder
The folder where the tiles will be created.
When the exported file is opened from the Overlays/Cadcorp Index Dataset dialog the screen will be divided into the appropriate number of tiles, which will be in the appropriate location, and named with the appropriate name according to the file naming convention you have chosen.
If you save to bds format the compatible bitmaps which overlap a tile are merged together, and cut again at the tiles' borders. This allows seamless tiled bitmap coverages to be re-tiled in a different coordinate system. (For example converting (lon,lat) bitmaps into Transverse Mercator bitmaps.)
If you save to bmp, gif, jpg, png or tif format, then you can choose the resolution of each tile:
Pixel Size
The width of a pixel in coordinate system units.
Output File Width/Height
The output size is specified in terms of bitmap pixels, this is the width and height in pixels of the bitmap to be created.
Check this tickbox to create a monochrome bitmap instead of using the screen's colour depth.
'Normalised' GeoTIFF (tif only)
Check this tickbox if the GeoTIFF metadata is to be 'normalised', i.e. written in full instead of using an EPSG code.
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