Export to File


Ribbon Group:


Associated commands:


 Export to File exports the current document to a file.

The configuration parameters depend on the selected format.

See Export Formats for a full list of raster and vector export formats supported by SIS.

Cadcorp recommends to clean geometries (Clean [Edit-Clean/Simplify]) before exporting to vector formats. Irregular geometries may cause failure of the export process.

SIS does not export the extent of the current map window as raster data but the extent of the last Zoom command (i.e. Zoom Box, Zoom In, etc.). For example, a .png raster export will be clipped to the extent of selected items after a Zoom Selection [Home-Zoom] command.

When a Table Window is the current Document window the Schema table and not the Map (Geometry) will be exported as a new table file.

The Export As dialog will be displayed to enable the required format to be selected:

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