

Ribbon Group:

Analysis-Topological Connectivity

Map Window:

Conditions for use:

Associated commands:


 Links selects Link and/or Node items that are connected to the selected Link item. This command ignores unconnected overlying topology.

To select Link/Node items connected to a Link item:

  1. Select the Link item whose connections you wish to see.

  2. Select the Links button or Select Connected... from the local menu.

  3. The Select Adjacent dialog will be displayed:

Select Links

Check the tickbox if connected Link items are to be selected.

Select Nodes

Check the tickbox if connected Node items are to be selected.

Number of steps

Enter either:

specific number - If you specify 1 adjacent step, then only the immediately adjacent Link and Node items will be selected. If you input 2, then Link and Node items within two levels of adjacency will be selected, etc. If "(no limit)" is input, then all connected Link and Node items from the selected Link item are selected.

expression - If you specify a "cost" expression then the topological algorithm used will start halfway along the selected Link item. This "cost" expression could be a length so that all Link and/or Node items within a given distance (along the connect Link items) will be selected. Alternatively the "cost" expression could be a period of time so that all connected Link and/or Node items which can be reached within a certain time will be selected. This second option is often called an Isochrone

  1. Click OK.

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