Analysis tab command groups

The Analysis tab is divided into five logical command groups as shown below:

Boolean Operations

Union Replaces the selected items with an item containing combined geometry.
Intersect Replaces the selected items with an item containing common geometry.
Subtract Subtracts the geometry of the other selected items from one of the selected items.
Symmetric Difference Replaces the selected items with an item containing alternating geometry.
Dissolve Merges items based on attribute values.


Buffer Creates buffers of various types around Polygon items.
Thiessen Polygons Creates Thiessen Polygons of influence from the selected items.


Scatter Grid Creates a Grid from the distribution of items.
KDE Hot Spot Creates a Grid from the distribution of items using a kernel density estimation algorithm.
Slope and Aspect  
Slope Creates a 'slope' Grid from a TIN as angles between 0 and 90 degrees.
Aspect Creates an 'aspect' Grid from a TIN as angles measured from North.
Gradient Creates a 'slope' Grid from a TIN as gradients between 0 and 100%.
Viewshed Calculates a 'viewshed' over Grid items.
Grid From Expression Creates a Grid from an expression involving other named Grids.
Create Polygons 'Explodes' the selected Grid item into one Polygon item per Grid cell.
Create Points 'Explodes' the selected Grid item into one Point item per Grid cell.
Create Shadow Creates a shadow bitmap from the selected Grid item.
Range QZone Creates a Zone from Grid points within a range of values.
From QZone Converts the selected QZone item into an equivalent Grid item.


Point-to-point Measures the best route between two points.
Iso-route Constructs a traced network from a point.

Topological Connectivity

Nodes Selects Link/Node items connected to a Node item.
Links Selects Link/Node items connected to a Link item.
TopoPolygons Selects the topological polygons adjacent to currently selected seed.

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