Cadcorp SIS Workspace Templates (SWTs)

What is a Cadcorp SIS Workspace Template (SWT)?

Creating a new SWT

Creating a default SWT

Opening an existing SWT

What is a Cadcorp SIS Workspace Template (SWT)?

A Cadcorp SIS Workspace Template (SWT) is a saved collection of overlays and a view. This can be used as a base map with which to create individual SIS Workspace Definitions (SWDs).

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Creating a new SWT

  1. Navigate to the Program Files/Cadcorp SIS folder and create a new folder called Templates. This will be the default folder for storing your SWT files.

  2. In SIS, either:

Select New:

Select Map Template in the File Types dialog:

This creates an SWT in the Maps Control Bar called Template, suffixed with the number of the SWT in the Maps Control Bar.


  1. Add the required overlays to this map document.

  2. Use Save Copy As [File-Save As] to save the SWT. The SWT is saved as type; *.swt. The default destination for the SWT is the Templates folder created in Step 1. However, the Browse Folders function enables the SWT to be saved to any destination, a shortcut to the SWT can then be created and pasted into the Templates folder. This may be useful if users need to share access to an SWT.

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    Creating a default SWT

A default SWT will be opened when the command New SIS Workspace Definition [File-New] is used. A default SWT may be useful in certain scenarios, for example in a local authority. Here there may be one SWT for the whole council which would form the basis for individual departmental SWDs (e.g. for Planning, Environmental Health, etc.).

To create a default SWT carry out the Creating a new SWT procedure above and save the SWT to the Templates folder (C:\Program Files\Cadcorp SIS\Templates) as Default.SWD.swt. When the New SIS Workspace Definition command is selected this default SWT will be taken as the basis for any newly created SWD.

Note: A default SWT must be saved into the Templates folder, a shortcut to a default SWT will not open automatically

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Opening an existing SWT

  1. Select New:

  2. Choose Map Template from the File Types dialog:

    Click Next.

    You will see thumbnails of all available templates in the right-hand pane as you click on them in the left-hand pane.


  1. Click Finish when you have chosen the required SWT. This loads the map as a new SWD in the Map Window.

  2. You can add new overlays to this, and save it as an SWD.

  3. Use Home [Home-Zoom] to go back to the extents of the original SWT.

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